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Abdullah Nassar

Sales and Service Support Engineer

Schlumberger Technical Services

Émirats Arabes Unis - Dubaï
Master, International Business
19 années, 2 mois

Expériences professionnelles

Quelle est votre expérience professionnelle? Celle-ci est l’une des sections les plus importantes de votre CV.
Indiquez vos fonctions, compétences, projets et réalisations dans chaque rôle professionnel. Si vous êtes un nouveau diplômé, vous pouvez ajouter vos activités de bénévolat ou les stages que vous avez faits.
Ajouter Expérience

Total des années d'expérience:  19 Années, 2 Mois   

mai 2006 A À présent

Sales and Service Support Engineer

à Schlumberger Technical Services
Lieu : Émirats Arabes Unis
During my career with Schlumberger, I have developed an excellent knowledge about the DTS (Distributed Temperature Sensors) and DVS (Distributed Vibration Sensors) in the Power and Midstream (Pipeline) sectors within the gulf area and projects outside the area. The projects include:
• Held a major role in implementing and managing the installation of the SENSA’s Heat Trace Temperature monitoring system at QatarGas’s CSP3 project in Ras Laffan, Qatar. (2009 - 2011)
• DTS and Fiber installation in SGI project for Chevron. The fiber was installed to monitor pipes in the sour gas injection plant in Tengiz, Kazakhstan. (2006)
• DTS and Fiber installation at YLNG project in Balhaf, Yemen. The fiber was installed to monitor LNG tanks for leak detection during the storage of the liquefied gas. (2009)
• DTS Installation and commissioning for Qatar’s Kahramaa for the expansion of the power grid. This was subcontracted from clients who include Nexans, ABB, Siemens, Sudkabel, LS Cable, Marubeni, Saudi Cables and Qatar Petroleum. (2006 - 2011)
• DTS Installation and commissioning for Bahrain’s EWA, subcontracted from Saudi Cables, Nexans and LS Cable. (2006 - 2010)
• DTS Installation and commissioning and training for the GCC Subsea cable 400 kV power cable between Saudi Arabia and Bahrain (2008)
• DTS Installation and commissioning and training for the Jeddah Kandarah 380 kV Project in Saudi Arabia (2010)
• DTS Installation and commissioning and training for projects undertaken in Russia and Kazakhstan (2010/2011)
• DVS field trial for ENI at Obiafu Oil Field in Nigeria (2009)
• DVS field survey in India for BPCL/IOCL for potential field trials and installations (2010)
• Perform DTS training and presentation for all clients.
• Involved in the installation of the DVS on the BP’s BTC pipeline in Georgia (2011)
janvier 2005 A avril 2006

Support Engineer

à Schlumberger Technical Services
Lieu : Émirats Arabes Unis - Dubaï
Support computers, printers and servers connected to the company's LAN in three locations in Dubai. Involved in many projects such as:
• Involved in a team of 4 to migrate all servers, LAN peripherals and users to a new office premises.
• Making sure all computers are non vulnerable.
• Applying Connected backup on all user computers.
• Rearrangement of the server room and consolidating similar servers together saving space and power consumption.


Quel est votre niveau de formation?
Permettez aux employeurs de savoir plus concernant votre éducation. Soyez clair et concis.
avril 2011

Master, International Business

à University of Wollongong
Lieu : Émirats Arabes Unis - Dubaï
août 2004

Baccalauréat, B. Eng Electronics and Communications

à Arab Academy for Science and Technology and Maritime Transport
Lieu : Egypte - Alexandrie
Moyenne générale: 3.2 sur 4

Specialties & Skills

International Business




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Dans certaines professions, la maîtrise d'une ou de plusieurs langues étrangères est un plus ; il faut donc ajouter vos compétences linguistiques pour obtenir de meilleurs résultats.






