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Hussain Asgar Ali

Project Field Supervisor


Émirats Arabes Unis - Sharjah
Baccalauréat, Marketing
13 années, 6 mois

Expériences professionnelles

Quelle est votre expérience professionnelle? Celle-ci est l’une des sections les plus importantes de votre CV.
Indiquez vos fonctions, compétences, projets et réalisations dans chaque rôle professionnel. Si vous êtes un nouveau diplômé, vous pouvez ajouter vos activités de bénévolat ou les stages que vous avez faits.
Ajouter Expérience

Total des années d'expérience:  13 Années, 6 Mois   

mars 2012 A À présent

Project Field Supervisor

à ipsos-stat
Lieu : Émirats Arabes Unis - Sharjah
• Experience in handling mystery and field projects. Responsible for dealing, training and briefing of the freelancers.
• Managing the overall Asian & Arab freelancers in conducting mystery visits and field projects to achieve monthly quota systematically.
• Engaging and communicating with the freelancers on regular basis to keep the follow ups on the status of the projects.
• Ensure that interviewers will produce data of the highest possible quality; maintain a motivated, effective and efficient field force.
• Engaging and communicating with customers on a regular basis to build trust and long term relationship.
octobre 2009 A mars 2011

Marketing Analyst

à IPSOS Market Research
Lieu : Émirats Arabes Unis - Sharjah
• Primarily responsible for conducting interviews on the phone, reporting to the supervisor and achieving daily quota.
• Experience in communicating with various clients on the phone and assisting Supervisor in executing scripts and data of projects.
• Responsible for presenting and collecting data in client meetings and developing strategy for winning clients for the organization.
• Managing a small team in order to achieve daily targets.
• Working with management to develop strategy for increasing market awareness and use of company’s products.


Quel est votre niveau de formation?
Permettez aux employeurs de savoir plus concernant votre éducation. Soyez clair et concis.
février 2013

Baccalauréat, Marketing

à University of bedfordshire
Lieu : Émirats Arabes Unis - Sharjah
Bachelor in Business Administration Feb 2013
University of Bedfordshire, Ajman, U.A.E
• Have completed my bachelors by doing majors in Business research methods, Business ethics, Marketing Research, Service Marketing and Financial Management.

• Worked on My final dissertation on the company I was working for “IPSOS Market Research Company” I have collected all the data from my co workers, also Interviewed my managers and supervisors that helped me in my Project.
• “Product Launch” We had a subject called Entrepreneurship in which we had to work in a team and launch and sell a product in the University market.
 I managed the team to advertise and Promote the product
 We were nominated as one of the best team in Advertising the product
 Had received great appreciation from the University Heads.

Specialties & Skills

Institutional Clients

Conducting Interviews


External Clients


Parlez-vous plus d\'une langue?
Dans certaines professions, la maîtrise d'une ou de plusieurs langues étrangères est un plus ; il faut donc ajouter vos compétences linguistiques pour obtenir de meilleurs résultats.



Formations et Certificats

Marketing and sales training ( Formation )

Howard Institute
January 2013
