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اضغط على زر البحث، قم باختيار صورة معينة، ثم اضغط على حفظ الصورة
المبادئ التوجيهية
  1. قم بتحميل صورة لنفسك فقط.
  2. سيتم رفض صور الأطفال أو المشاهير أو الحيوانات أو صور الشخصيات الكرتونية.
  3. سيتم رفض الصور التي تحتوي على عري أو الصور العنيفة وقد تؤدي تلك الصور إلى إلغاء حسابك الخاص.
  4. سيتم رفض صورة جواز السفر أو صورة عن بطاقة الهوية أو تلك التي تحتوي على أي معلومات شخصية مثل عنوانك ورقم جواز السفر، أو أرقام الاتصال الخاصة بك وذلك من أجل أمنك الشخصي.

المبادئ التوجيهية

Ischrat Khan

President, I & Y Consulting Inc.

I And Y Consulting

كندا - Oakville
55 سنة, 7 أشهر

الخبرة العملية

ما هي خبرتك المهنية؟ في الواقع، إن الخبرة المهنية هي من أهم أقسام سيرتك الذاتية.
يمكنك ذكر كافة مهاراتك والمسؤوليات، والمشاريع والإنجازات التي قمت بها في كل دور وظيفي. إن كنت قد تخرجت مؤخراً، يمكنك إضافة الأعمال التطوعية أو فترات التدريب التي قمت بها.
إضافة الخبرة

مجموع سنوات الخبرة:  55 سنوات, 7 أشهر   

يوليو 2015 إلى حتى الآن

President, I & Y Consulting Inc.

وجدت هذه الوظيفة عبر بيت.كوم

في I And Y Consulting
البلد : كندا - Oakville
President, I & Y Consulting Inc. - 2015- to date
Assist diverse array of clients with management consulting, financial advice, auditing, training, and other services.
Acting Inspector General
From the beginning of the year 2002, I worked as Acting Inspector General, in the absence of any nominated French incumbent by Credit Agricole, Paris. I have earned this position as a result of confidence the Chairman, Audit Committee, and the Managing Director had on me.

In that position, I ensured that Internal Audit and Compliance are properly managed and approved Audit and Compliance plans are adequately followed. In addition, I coordinated with the Bank’s Board of Directors to fulfill their requirements for board meetings, frequent coordination with the Chairman, Audit Committee and organizing Audit Committee meetings (four times a year) involving the French counterpart, Credit Agricole Indosuez, Paris, and outside members including external auditors. To this end, I apprised the Audit Committee with all credit issues, policy matters relating to autonomy and provisions, and credit risk management in the Bank.
Currently as a Deputy Head of Audit Division, I was fully supporting the Inspector General in Audit Committees, budgeting and planning, managing all financial and operational audits, improving the auditing standards, etc., due to my long experience in the banking field.
I was also responsible for preparing and executing the Banking audit and compliance plans, which relates to audits of Head Office Group/Divisions and Centralized processing departments in the three Regions of the Bank. I assisted the Inspector General in the day-to-day work and administration, and take charge of the Audit Division during his absence.

Furthermore, I was managing the audit of Fransi Capital, the investment banking arm of Banque Saudi Fransi. Earlier, I was Secretary to the Audit Committee of the bank's brokerage company, which finally merged with the bank's investment company.

I joined the Audit Division in 1986, and between 1981 & 1986, I opened several Branches for the Bank and managed all operations and credit functions.
مارس 1976 إلى يونيو 1981

Supervisor, Financial Control

البلد : الإمارات العربية المتحدة
The Commercial Bank of Dubai was established in joint venture with Chase Manhattan Bank, N.Y. I worked with the Bank as Supervisor, Financial Controls Department, which directly reported to the General Manager of the Bank. Major responsibilities were to oversee financial controls for Head Office departments and branches, assist General Management in planning, budgeting, monitoring of budget, quarterly reporting to Chairman, Chase Manhattan Bank, N.Y., and coordinating with the external auditors and the Monetary Agency in reviewing provisioning, downgrading of accounts, and other credit matters. During my service with the Bank, in recognition of my technical ability, I was nominated in several committees e.g. Standardization, Operations, assistance and Controls, etc.
أكتوبر 1968 إلى فبراير 1976

Operations Manager

البلد : باكستان
I joined the Banking career with Habib Bank Ltd., which was one of the biggest local banks of Pakistan, as a 'Probationary Officer'. After successful training at their famous Banking Training School, I was routed through various small to large size branches, where I worked as Second Officer, Forex and Letters of Credit Officer, and Operations Manager acquiring various banking operations expertise


ما هي خلفيتك التعليمية؟
اسمح لأصحاب العمل بالإطلاع على المزيد حول خلفيتك التعليمية. كن واضحاً ومختصراً.
يوليو 2001


البلد : Toronto, Canada, كندا
This certification is a mandatory requirement for those working as Investment Advisors.
أبريل 1987

دبلوم, BASIC Computer Programming Skill

البلد : USA, United States, الولايات المتحدة
سبتمبر 1968

بكالوريوس, Mathematics

البلد : Dacca, Bangladesh, بنجلاديش
Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics and Physics

Specialties & Skills

Credit Risks and Credit Risk Management

Internal Auditing

Legal & Compoiance

Operational Risk & Credit Administration

Corporate Governance



Credit Risk

Quality Auditing


كم من لغّة في رصيدك؟
إن تكلم لغات متعددة من الأمور الأساسية في بعض الوظائف لذا عليك إضافة المهارات اللغوية من أجل تحقيق نتائج أفضل.








هل أنت من أعضاء أي جمعية أو نادي مهني؟
عليك إضافة العضويات المهنية إذ أنها تظهر تطلعاتك المهنية.
المؤسسة : Institute of Internal Auditors, USA
العضوية/الدور : Member
عضو منذ : July 1989
