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Les directives

Zainab Tahir

Cultural Advisor

FSI-US Goverment

Etats Unis
Baccalauréat, English Littreture
19 années, 4 mois

Expériences professionnelles

Quelle est votre expérience professionnelle? Celle-ci est l’une des sections les plus importantes de votre CV.
Indiquez vos fonctions, compétences, projets et réalisations dans chaque rôle professionnel. Si vous êtes un nouveau diplômé, vous pouvez ajouter vos activités de bénévolat ou les stages que vous avez faits.
Ajouter Expérience

Total des années d'expérience:  19 Années, 4 Mois   

octobre 2009 A À présent

Cultural Advisor

à FSI-US Goverment
Lieu : Etats Unis
I help in training US personnel getting ready to deploy to Iraq to serve on US Provincial Reconstruction Teams. My work Location is on Arlington, VA with Marianne Goodwin, President of Goodwin International LLC, and Negotiation Trainer
juillet 2008 A À présent

6355 Walker L.

à INOVA Health System
Lieu : Etats Unis
I work as a customer service specialist. My Duties include, Collect patients COP, answer phones, scheduling appointments, dealing with Insurance Companies for the benefit of patients and much other admin stuff, besides, I share my language abilities professionally to help customers at work.
mars 2004 A octobre 2007

Contractor specieliest

à Joint Contracting Command
Lieu : Irak - Bagdad
• Served in wartime contingency environment as an Administrative Contracting Officer. This Contingency Contract Administration Services (CCAS) was in support of the Joint Contracting Command of Iraq's reconstruction mission.
• Possesses organizational skills as an administrative contracting officer. Contributed in the auditing process of more than 40, 000 contracts, closing more than 30, 000 and securing more than $119M in reusable money for the reconstruction effort. Skilled in cross-cultural relations. Directly supported the reconstruction effort with the strategic goal of closing 3653 Developmental Funds of Iraq (DFI) contracts valued at $2B, and its transition to the Iraqi government. Exercised tact and consideration while dealing with authority and cross cultural relationships.
• Served as a cultural expert for Governance support team with the responsibility of providing instruction, information on perception, religious customs gender issues and Moral/value norms within the Iraqi culture.
• close out contracts auditing, and return the excess payment to the Government


Quel est votre niveau de formation?
Permettez aux employeurs de savoir plus concernant votre éducation. Soyez clair et concis.
juillet 1998

Baccalauréat, English Littreture

à Baghdad Univ
Lieu : Irak
Moyenne générale: 3.5 sur 4

Specialties & Skills




Organizational Skills

