Adel Mohammed Osama Ibraheem, Network Marketer (Freelancer)

Adel Mohammed Osama Ibraheem

Network Marketer (Freelancer)


Egypte - Le Caire
Baccalauréat, Accounting
15 years, 9 Mois

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Expériences professionnelles

Total des années d'expérience :15 years, 9 Mois

Network Marketer (Freelancer) à Uniway
  • Egypte - Le Caire
  • Je travaille ici depuis janvier 2014

- making presentations to the clients to define the company's products .
- Attract the largest number of new customers and ongoing follow-up with existing customers .
- Participate in the development and implementation of marketing plans .
- Marketing through social networks .
- Attend meetings of the company and put new ideas and strategies .
- preparing weekly and monthly reports .

Purshasing manager à Zero to Five
  • Egypte - Le Caire
  • décembre 2010 à décembre 2013

- Attend exhibitions and selection models.
- Participation in the selection and comparison of offers
- Prepare reports weekly, monthly and yearly, which belong to the movement of purchases.
- Evaluating stores needs.
- Monitoring process of receiving and delivery from and to stores.
- Following up process of pricing.

Sales and marketing executive à Mars
  • Egypte - Le Caire
  • juillet 2008 à octobre 2010

- Selling the products within a monthly target.
- Preparing daily and monthly sales reports.
- Following up potential customers.
- Handling customer’s needs and problems.
- Opening new lines.
- Marketing new products by advertising and media.


Baccalauréat, Accounting
  • à Faculty of commerce . Cairo Uni
  • septembre 2008

- Accounting & Finance - Marketing - Sales - Business Administration

Specialties & Skills




Commerce Syndicate
  • Associate Member
  • June 2013

Formation et Diplômes

access and visual basic (Certificat)
Date de la formation:
March 2003
Valide jusqu'à:
April 2003
windows word and excel (Certificat)
Date de la formation:
December 2002
Valide jusqu'à:
December 2002


  • Internet researchers, online marketing and fashion.