Alaa Nimer Ali, IT Manager, PMO

Alaa Nimer Ali

IT Manager, PMO

Soor ALFA Petroleum’s Company

Baccalauréat, Software Engineering
14 years, 5 Mois

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Expériences professionnelles

Total des années d'expérience :14 years, 5 Mois

IT Manager, PMO à Soor ALFA Petroleum’s Company
  • Koweït - Al Koweït
  • Je travaille ici depuis mars 2018

March 2018-Present IT Manager, PMO

• Manage Cloud Server & Host Server on Ooredoo DC
• Plan for Migration ERP system
• Manage Company Infrastructure Environment and keep enchantment
• Create and execute the Project plan
• Leading IT Team (ERP, Developer, Server, network, and database)
• Create Plan for SAP Integration to Hana SAP project.
• Monitoring the team performance
• Systems Analysis - Determining how a system should work and how changes in conditions, operations, and the environment will affect outcomes
• Systems Evaluation - determine the system performance and the actions needed to improve relative to the Company goals
• Management the IT team Resources & Motivating, developing, and directing team as they work
• Quality Control Analysis from Services & performance
• Troubleshooting - Determining causes of bugs deciding the best scenario
• Suggested improvements for my team and project workflow.
• Planning & executive the projects
• Establish the deadline and monitor the project cycle
• Evaluated project requirements and specifications.
• Trained It Team, improvement team skills.
• Improved system performance by making proactive adjustments and resolving bugs.
• Coordinated with TOP Management to improve System needed

Senior ERP & Development à NUC Company
  • Koweït - Al Koweït
  • mai 2012 à mai 2018

• Deployed retail automation system like (POS, BOS, Terminal system). Design & Deployed Admin page for Clinic POS (health Care)
• Design Admin Page for Beauty Spa SQL relationship.
• Design AL SEEF hospital website.
• Developed the web site for the American University for Medical Sciences -Kuwait.
• Developed & analyzed (Archive System) using in Petronet company. Daily and Weekly Application using Deployment
• HR related (Leave management system) using in the specialists for integrated system company).
• ATG System using & ->System Execute & run automatically every 10 minutes.
• Web Site (ATG) using ->web communicated with KNPC Company and Oula Company, this page view all transaction the station.
• Create Web application used the teleke tools, this project allow customer to find the card used the site number and the card number then the user can export to excel or PDF.
• Create services, this services used to send the files to the KNPC used the FTP and the services send email automatically after the files have been send to KNPC, also there are logs to track the process and the user can change the configuration by using the config file Page 1 of 4.

Software Developer à Petronet Company
  • Koweït - Al Koweït
  • février 2010 à mai 2012

• Prepared technical presentations for internal and client project engineering review.
• Supervised performance of product related software tools
• Collaborated with commercial leaders to align strategy with company mission and global message.
• Facilitated customer specification requests to access QA and QC data. Oversaw technical and project management customer interface to include commercial contacts with key partners.
• Supported creation and maintenance of process documentation for analysis process.
• Collaborated with Site level engineers to support product specifications and functional robustness.
• Estimated project costs and identified scope of work and optimal schedules for each job function.
• Performed technical planning, system integration and verification tasks . Managed functional analysis and requirements allocation related to evaluating software specification compliance and determining required corrections to meet regulatory requirements.
• Met with customers onsite to better understand project needs, discuss potential technical issues and resolve concerns.
• Planned or conducted environmental, operational or stress tests on models . Applied engineering methods for sound product design to manage understandable execution of calculations and best practices.


Baccalauréat, Software Engineering
  • à ASU
  • février 2024
Baccalauréat, BSC Software Engineer
  • à University of Applied Science
  • février 2010

Specialties & Skills

Cascading Style Sheets CSS



Formation et Diplômes

PMP (Certificat)
Date de la formation:
July 2020


  • Flag Football