Ankit Kumar, Devops Engineer

Ankit Kumar

Devops Engineer

Collegedunia Web Pvt Ltd

India - Delhi
Bachelor's degree, Electronics And Communication Engineering
3 years, 2 Months

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Work Experience

Total years of experience :3 years, 2 Months

Devops Engineer at Collegedunia Web Pvt Ltd
  • India - Gurgaon
  • My current job since October 2022

Designed infrastructure for a real-time bidding system on AWS EKS. Deployed ingress-
nginx-controller, Cert-manager, EFK stack, kube-prometheus-stack, and metrics-
server for supporting application requirements.
Architected secure infrastructure for Prepp (a live class platform) using microservices
architecture (API authentication and authorization) to stream live classes. Developed a
UDP repeater for repeating the stream from the teacher’s pod to multiple student pods.
Implemented autoscaling of pods based on total HTTP requests using KEDA
(Kubernetes Event Driven Autoscaling) with Prometheus as a trigger
Containerized Nodejs application using AWS ECS for hosting the docker containers from
Developed an IAC code using Terraform for VPC, EC2, EKS, IAM, S3, ELB and ECS
Ensured Code quality assurance and security scanning using Sonarqube for code
scanning and Trivy for Docker image scanning before getting deployed to Production
environments with GitHub Actions workflow.
Implemented configuration for CloudFront across multiple projects. And enhance
Amazon CloudFront origin security with AWS WAF(Web Application Firewall).
Configured VPN server using Pritunl for secure access to database access and SSH into
Developed Lambda function code to automate retrieval and analysis (through AWS
Athena) of CloudFront Logs stored in S3 buckets in Hive format
Migrated CI/CD pipeline of 8 Projects from GitLab to GitHub Actions.
Deployments and maintenance of multiple projects ( Collegedunia, Prepp, Frizza,
Kickcash, Radian, Prepp Live Class).

Jr Devops Engineer at Squareops Technologies
  • India - Gurgaon
  • September 2021 to September 2022

Established Docker code scanning with Trivy for the Electron application designed to
scan bank documents and securely upload them to encrypted S3 buckets.
Hands-on Experience with No-SQL databases like MongoDB ( 3 node cluster setup) &
and RDS
Deployed MERN stack application with Autoscaling and HA architecture along with
frontend hosted on AWS amplify and CI/CD using AWS Code Pipelines.
Proficient in writing Helm Charts for Kubernetes configuration and concepts of
Kubernetes like deployments, ingress, PVC, volumes, and storage classes.
Integrated Prometheus & Grafana for the Kubernetes infrastructure monitoring and
alerting as well as ELK for the application logging.
Developed an IaC using Terraform for various cloud platforms such as AWS, GCP, Azure,
and DigitalOcean which deploys networking, database, Kubernetes cluster, storage, key
pairs, and Kubernetes services like (ELK-stack, Prometheus, Grafana, Loki, Rancher,
ArgoCD, Jenkins, Sonarqube).
Proficient with a version control system: Git
Created an Ansible playbook to deploy Kubernetes through Kubespray on Hetzner
Cloud servers, utilizing Terraform code for server creation.
Proficient in writing Docker files for the containerization deployment of Python, and
NodeJs Applications.

Linux Administrator at Bizdata Inc
  • India - Chennai
  • March 2021 to August 2021

Worked on Oracle cloud infrastructure
Worked on Linux OS, VNC viewer, Git, and Gitlab
Worked on three products (Bizintel360, Ez Integration).


Bachelor's degree, Electronics And Communication Engineering
  • at Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University
  • June 2021

Secured 3rd position in class of 60 students

Specialties & Skills




Training and Certifications

AWS (Certificate)
Date Attended:
July 2020


  • Volleyball
    Secured 1st position in Kendriya Vidyalaya National