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اضغط على زر البحث، قم باختيار صورة معينة، ثم اضغط على حفظ الصورة
المبادئ التوجيهية
  1. قم بتحميل صورة لنفسك فقط.
  2. سيتم رفض صور الأطفال أو المشاهير أو الحيوانات أو صور الشخصيات الكرتونية.
  3. سيتم رفض الصور التي تحتوي على عري أو الصور العنيفة وقد تؤدي تلك الصور إلى إلغاء حسابك الخاص.
  4. سيتم رفض صورة جواز السفر أو صورة عن بطاقة الهوية أو تلك التي تحتوي على أي معلومات شخصية مثل عنوانك ورقم جواز السفر، أو أرقام الاتصال الخاصة بك وذلك من أجل أمنك الشخصي.

المبادئ التوجيهية

هدى Houchaimy

Operations Manager

Life Services

بكالوريوس, Sales and Marketing concentration
23 سنة, 5 أشهر

الخبرة العملية

ما هي خبرتك المهنية؟ في الواقع، إن الخبرة المهنية هي من أهم أقسام سيرتك الذاتية.
يمكنك ذكر كافة مهاراتك والمسؤوليات، والمشاريع والإنجازات التي قمت بها في كل دور وظيفي. إن كنت قد تخرجت مؤخراً، يمكنك إضافة الأعمال التطوعية أو فترات التدريب التي قمت بها.
إضافة الخبرة

مجموع سنوات الخبرة:  23 سنوات, 5 أشهر   

يناير 2012 إلى حتى الآن

Operations Manager

في Life Services
البلد : الولايات المتحدة
Managing and running all the company's departments starting by the accounting department followed by the administration part and ending by the floor operating staff management. Administer and direct all operations related to the company and the floor staff (human resources tasks, policies, rules, reports and payroll)
Manage and control all projects related to restaurants, hotels, factories and companies as well. Supervising customers’ reports and departmental reports as well on daily weekly and monthly basis. Follow up with projects (Quality assurances QA, solving problems and pending issues)

•Sales and Marketing manager
Direct the sales department in order to get new upcoming projects.
Cooperate with the sales team (training, follow up with meeting); Setting up forecast on yearly basis. Controlling expenses element such as offers pricing and cost control of purchasing stuff of each new upcoming projects; Surveying the profit and loss of each project. Setting meeting with fruitful and potential clients.
Marketing strategy
Implementation of the incentive plan to improve sales objectives and target in addition to the company important image.
Apply the marketing plan and strategy (Objectives, action plan, and SWOT analysis) in order to maintain old clients and help getting new additional ones.
Involved in Advertising and media campaign (publicity, news letter, brochures, social media and presentations).
يناير 2012 إلى حتى الآن


Responsible of all tasks and affairs related to the CEO; Dealing with abroad projects in Qatar (follow up, emails, presentations...)
يناير 2010 إلى حتى الآن


Running my own business (Wedding and Events
أكتوبر 2011 إلى يناير 2012

Executive Manager

Managing and running all company’s tasks related to wedding planner and event organizer. Coordinate and direct all weddings event including all kind of events opening regarding hotels, restaurants, Shops, business conferences, and fashion designer shows.
ديسمبر 2008 إلى يناير 2011

Chief Operating Officer

في Teleblue Down Town
Managing and Running all company’s departments (web development, design, administration, sales, accounting and project management).
Administer and Direct: all Operations related to Company and Staff (Company Organization; Office, Team, Policies, Rules, Insurance, Holidays, Events….)
Manage and Handle: Web Development and Design Departments by full controlling of all projects on daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly basis.
Supervising Departmental reports on daily, weekly, and monthly basis.
Follow up with project management and accounting department regarding new and old project, Quality assurance:”QA” testing, invoices collected and pending issues.
Dealing with HR Department: Recruiting, sick leave, holidays and vacations…….
يناير 2001 إلى يناير 2008

Circulation Manager

في Infopro Management Sanayeh “Lebanon Opportunities Magazine
Responsible of full circulation channels of the magazine:
(Hotels, Coffee Shop, Libraries, and other points of free distribution, Exhibitions and other (points of sale).
Took part of current Sales and Marketing activities:
Telemarketing Manager: Managing the Call Center (a Sales Team) responsible of (the indoor sales and marketing), and the local and international subscriptions, of Lebanon Opportunities, and “BusinessWeek” Al Arabia Magazines including customer services.
Marketing and sales strategies
Implemented an incentive plan, to improve sales objectives set, and a sales strategy to be devised.
Implement Staff Training program, and motivation objectives.
Control of all expenses elements
(Payroll, commissions, collection…)
Responsible of head hunting and recruiting good element for the department
(Interviewing, selecting, and training).
Media Representative of Info Pro Publishing in all professional Exhibitions & advertising agencies
يناير 1998 إلى يناير 1999

N.League Bauchrieh

• Sales Executive.
Took part in media sales activities. Contributed to advertising activities pertaining to the tourist guide:"VIP Lebanon Guide".
Promoted the sales for "UDV" on the following brands: Johnny walker, J&B, Vat 69, Smirnoff, and Bailey's.

Administrative Assistant

في Century Group Jounieh
Helped in the organization of the "Solemar Christmas Fair".
Introduced several clients into the fair.
Increased sales by resolving problems arising with potential clients.

Sales Executive

في Eastern company
البلد : الولايات المتحدة
Promoted the sales for several kind of encyclopedia books (Hachette, Axis…)

Sales and Marketing Manager

Direct the sales department in order to cooperate with the sales team (training, follow up with meeting, offers and reports on daily and weekly basis; Setting up forecast on monthly, quarterly, and yearly basis. Controlling expenses elements: payroll commissions and collection).
Setting meeting with potential clients when needed.
Marketing and Sales Strategies:
Implemented an incentive plan, to improve sales objectives set, and a sales strategy to be devised.
Implement Staff Training program, and motivation objectives.
Apply The Marketing Plan and Strategy of “Teleblue” (objectives, action plan, and SWOT Analysis). Prepared News letter, Brochures, and presentations…..

•Assistant to the CEO SkyCom Consulting “Teleblue’ Sister company” Responsible of all tasks and affairs related to The CEO; dealing with abroad projects, preparing presentations, Follow - up with E-mail, letters….Took part of all organization and Management process.

2008 Freelancer Arc-En Ciel Sin El Fil
Implement The Marketing Plan and Strategy of the Arc- En Ciel’ Agriculture Project. (Objectives, action plan, Swot Analysis)


ما هي خلفيتك التعليمية؟
اسمح لأصحاب العمل بالإطلاع على المزيد حول خلفيتك التعليمية. كن واضحاً ومختصراً.
يناير 2008

بكالوريوس, Sales and Marketing concentration

في pigier
البلد : لبنان
يناير 2000

بكالوريوس, advertising & public relations

في Lebanese University
البلد : لبنان
يناير 1995

الثانوية العامة أو ما يعادلها, philosophy

في Saint Antonine Sisters School
البلد : لبنان

Specialties & Skills










Data Handling

Handling Operations

Project Management

Handling Objections


كم من لغّة في رصيدك؟
إن تكلم لغات متعددة من الأمور الأساسية في بعض الوظائف لذا عليك إضافة المهارات اللغوية من أجل تحقيق نتائج أفضل.






