M Tahir hanif طاهر,

M Tahir hanif طاهر

دبلوم, Accounting
0 years, 0 أشهر

مشاركة سيرتي الذاتية

حظر المستخدم

الخلفية التعليمية

دبلوم, Accounting
  • في ACCA
  • فبراير 2016

My qualification is generally UK based and so is worldwide known as ACCA( Association of charterd certified accountants). Three major areas are covers in this qualification which are Business, Finance and Accounting. Accounting is most concern area in it and other two help out to make a students in most effective in this category. Other areas such as law and tax also included in this programme which are must pass in order to qualify ACCA. Accounting is a broad field which involve all categories which are mention above in term of getting knowledge which an accountant must need to learn to fullsfil his/her task. The morden world is more dynamic then was before so it is assential for an accountant to have vast knowledge within organisations because the job of accountant now a days is not number crunching but to provide all relevant information to those who have any concern within organisation so that they take decetions basef on these information's. In short ACCA provide all material which and accountant must need. The examination system at ACCA is excellent which is driven through strong quality and assurance process.

Specialties & Skills

Financial Accounting
Cost Accounting
Financial Management
Ms power point
Ms excel
Ms word
Reports writing
Excellent at number crunching



التدريب و الشهادات

Head Start: Boosting Employability skill (الشهادة)
تاريخ الدورة:
December 2015
صالحة لغاية:
December 2019


  • Friendship and debates