ناديه Ben saad, Fullsatck java angular developer

ناديه Ben saad

Fullsatck java angular developer


فرنسا - Paris
ماجستير, Computer Engineering
8 years, 10 أشهر

مشاركة سيرتي الذاتية

حظر المستخدم

الخبرة العملية

مجموع سنوات الخبرة :8 years, 10 أشهر

Fullsatck java angular developer في Enedis
  • فرنسا
  • أشغل هذه الوظيفة منذ مايو 2023

Project description :
The purpose of the "Ideo" project is to guarantee traceability, historization, centralization,
availability and security of Linky counter’s data.
Tasks :
 Migrate from monolithe to microservices architecture .
 Upgrade spring version from spring 1.x to spring 2.x .
 New microservices implementation.
 Update angular interface .
 Tests implementation .
Technical Environment:
Java 8, spring boot, spring data, rest, angularsjs, html, css, bootsrap, docker, kubernetes, mongodb,
, git, maven, intellij

Senior java fullstack developer في Societe generale
  • فرنسا - Paris
  • يناير 2022 إلى أبريل 2023

Project description:
A project that manages and exposes SG's documents to web services and web application.
 Rest webservices implementation .
 Angular screens creation.
 Batch creation with spring batch.
 Create new topology with via alien4cloud.
 Bugs fix.
 Test implementation .
Technical Environment :
Java8, spring boot, spring data, spring batch, rest, angular, jenkins, maven, alien4cloud, mongodb.

Senior java fullstack developer في Smart data
  • فرنسا - Paris
  • ديسمبر 2020 إلى ديسمبر 2021

Project description:
Smart data for leads is a company specialized in data management :
= analyze, clean, qualify data.
Tasks :
 Migrate from java 6 to spring boot + java 8 .
 Migrate from svn to git .
 Authentification implementation .
 Database managaement .
 Tests implementation .
Technical Environment :
Java 8, spring boot, spring data, Spring MVC, jpa, web service Rest, javascript, css, html
bootsrap, svn, git, intellij, maven, windows 10.

Senior Java angular developer في Sopra steria
  • فرنسا - Paris
  • يناير 2018 إلى نوفمبر 2020

Project description:
Migrate the lincs portal from liferay to angular + update the old lincs \[liferay\] portal.
Tasks :
 Create new micro-app with angular (front) and java (back).
 Intégrate micro-apps to wordpress portal.
 Implement test units .
 Create new portlet with liferay .
 Create new rest/soap ws
Technical Environment :
Java 8, spring data, Spring MVC, jpa, web service Soap et Rest, ajax, javascript, css, html
, feign, typescript, angular, liferay, wordpress, php, bootsrap, git, intellij, maven, windows 8.

Senior java angular developer في Cognizant
  • فرنسا - Paris
  • يناير 2018 إلى سبتمبر 2020

Project description:
Migrate GR Analytics of total from .net to liferay/Java EE.
Tasks :
 Migrate App’s modules : search module, activity module, help module…
 Implement webservices Rest/Soap,
 Implement new front screen (javascript, html, css ) .
Technical Environment :
Java 8, Spring portlet, spring data, Spring MVC, jpa, web service Soap et Rest, ajax, javascript
, css, html, liferay 6.2, git, turtoisegit, windows 8.

fullstack java angular developer في Owliance
  • تونس - تونس
  • مارس 2017 إلى ديسمبر 2017

Project description:
Creation of a new portal that manages the insurance of postal bank customers.
Tasks :
 Create portlets .
 Create rest webservices.
 Bugs fix.
Environnement technique :
Java 7, Spring portlet, spring data, jpa 2, hibernate 5, bootsrap3, css, html, liferay 6.2, web service Rest, dozer
, Spring MVC, sql, windows 7.

Fullstack java developer في Vermeg
  • تونس - تونس
  • أكتوبر 2016 إلى فبراير 2017
fullstack java developer في Pcsol
  • تونس - تونس
  • سبتمبر 2015 إلى سبتمبر 2016

Project description :
Build desktop application that manages doctor’s tasks.
Tasks :
• Bugs fix .
• New screens creation.
• Implement mule flux to manage data.
• Migrate from mule 3.4 to mule 3.7 .
Technical Environment :
java7, eclipse rcp, maven3, jpa, json, Anypoint studio, mule esb, swt, jface, eclipse Mars.

الخلفية التعليمية

ماجستير, Computer Engineering
  • في National Engineering school of Tunis (ENIT)
  • يناير 2015

bac + 5 software engineer diploma


  • Reading