نورالدين خليل, Flutter Apps Software Developer

نورالدين خليل

Flutter Apps Software Developer


بكالوريوس, علوم الحاسوب
4 years, 7 أشهر

مشاركة سيرتي الذاتية

حظر المستخدم

الخبرة العملية

مجموع سنوات الخبرة :4 years, 7 أشهر

Flutter Apps Software Developer في Etrevago
  • اليمن - ذمار
  • أشغل هذه الوظيفة منذ أبريل 2023

I was responsible of designing already existing interfaces with Getx state management and
connecting applications to the backend with via APIs, I’ve designed the app with MVC, and the
app was employee attendance application it has multiple authentication methods like
fingerprint, face ID or password and the app check whether the employee record his presence
within the institution or not.

Software Engineer في Masterz Team
  • اليمن - ذمار
  • أشغل هذه الوظيفة منذ يناير 2020

I’m recently graduated and I have already worked with several teams and played a major
role in these teams.
We worked on different kind of project (mobile, web, desktop) most of them are mobile
apps my role was different on each time, but my top roles are:
• Managing the project and contact with customers and trying to extract the
project requirements.
• Contact with my team and ensure that the deliverables as customer expected.
• Decide what’s the propriate way to communicate with team on each phase of
project life cycle.
• Refactor the code and try to make it easy to understand.
• Test the code to make sure that code Is error free.
• Make sure that the code is following OOP and design patterns.
• Solving problem and trying to solve the problem that team face during designing
or execution phases of the project and came up with solutions and new ideas

الخلفية التعليمية

بكالوريوس, علوم الحاسوب
  • في جامعة ذمار
  • يوليو 2022

Specialties & Skills

Project Management
Android Software Development
Web Applications

حسابات مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي


اللغة الأم

التدريب و الشهادات

Google Project Management (الشهادة)
تاريخ الدورة:
February 2023


  • Chess