ناصر عمر, Administration assistant & delegate  government relation

ناصر عمر

Administration assistant & delegate government relation

GASCO (Adnoc Group)

الإمارات العربية المتحدة - أبو ظبي
دبلوم, HSE
9 years, 7 أشهر

مشاركة سيرتي الذاتية

حظر المستخدم

الخبرة العملية

مجموع سنوات الخبرة :9 years, 7 أشهر

Administration assistant & delegate government relation في GASCO (Adnoc Group)
  • الإمارات العربية المتحدة
  • يونيو 2006 إلى ديسمبر 2015

*Make all activities related to the administration.
*Completion of the transactions relating to immigration department .
*Completion of the transactions relating to traffic department .
*Prepare and organize the documents.
*Co-ordinate and arrange the short and long term hire of vehicles, renewal, termination of less agreements and review .
*Arrange for purchase of new vehicles, follow up delivery and maintain up -to date records of the assets prepare the vehicles writ-off and hand over the disposed-off vehicles to the buyers in co-ordinate with procurement division.
*Make contract and rent cars from (AD. Police).
*Receive the monthly cheques from finance department and deliver to traffic department.
*Deal and contact with safety and security company and center of waste to get certificate in order to renewal the vehicles or trucks.
*Assist and write the monthly report.

الخلفية التعليمية

دبلوم, HSE
  • في Abu Dhabi Vocational Education & Training Institute
  • مارس 2013

Study about (EHSM) Environment Health & Safety management with training and Abu Dhabi occupational H&S practitioners course.

Specialties & Skills

Experience in administration & relationships
Ability to take responsibility & leadership
Teamwork & communication skills
Work under pressure and time management
Tipping and writing correspondence (A&E)
Desire to learn and work


اللغة الأم