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Sami Al Otaibi

Communications and Branding Specialist


Arabie Saoudite - Riyad
Baccalauréat, Business Managment
12 années, 10 mois

Expériences professionnelles

Quelle est votre expérience professionnelle? Celle-ci est l’une des sections les plus importantes de votre CV.
Indiquez vos fonctions, compétences, projets et réalisations dans chaque rôle professionnel. Si vous êtes un nouveau diplômé, vous pouvez ajouter vos activités de bénévolat ou les stages que vous avez faits.
Ajouter Expérience

Total des années d'expérience:  12 Années, 10 Mois   

mai 2016 A À présent

Communications and Branding Specialist

à Boeing
Lieu : Arabie Saoudite - Riyad
Driving communication activities in the Middle East region to enhance and protect Boeing’s market position and reputation as the partner of choice in Saudi Arabia, as well as augment global staff communications.

 Managing agency activities to support business goals and objectives including speech writing, online content, social media management, event planning and crisis management
 Delivering innovative content to engage with customers and stakeholders in line with corporate policies
 Aiding the completion of local, regional and international communications projects on time and budget
 Promoting and improving Boeing’s Global Corporate Citizenship activities
octobre 2012 A mai 2016

Public Relations – Content Specialist

à BAE Systems
Lieu : Arabie Saoudite - Riyad
Supervised and performance managed 2 junior staff to develop bi-lingual content, and worked in the PR & Communications function as part of a team responsible for internal communications across 5000 staff.

 Co-editor of company magazine "Majalis" in both English and Arabic, published in UK and the Kingdom on a quarterly basis on time and to a very high standard
 Led all digital communications and the development of dual language platforms within BAE Systems
 Managed social media accounts such as Twitter and LinkedIn to improve awareness and engagement
 Produced video/audio productions that were commissioned to showcase BAE Systems in Saudi Arabia
 Supported several company leadership summits with seamless execution


 Part of a multinational project team to release a new company intranet accessible to all staff in English and Arabic; providing up-to-date company news and relevant messages from leadership
 Part of the company’s crisis response team with the task to provide crisis communication which was practiced several times throughout the year and put into action only once
 Part of a program team to divest BAE Systems business in Saudi Arabia to meet the Saudi national agenda; responsible for portraying the right leadership message to secure staff buy-in
novembre 2010 A mars 2012

Business Analyst

à Deloitte
Lieu : Arabie Saoudite - Riyad
Responsible for driving business process improvement and organizational restructuring, working with various companies in the public and private sectors through several Project Management Offices.

 Samba Bank - Reviewed hundreds of unorganized documents to create a clear business process map as part of a small consulting team assigned to map and improve their business solutions division
 Human Resources Development Fund - Assessed and identified cost-effective locations for new Development & Training Centers (Hadaf); oversaw construction
 Saudi Paper Recycling - Supported organizational process mapping and recommended improvements to streamline efficiencies in line with its leadership structure
 Alarrab Contracting Company - Supported development of project requirements for a joint PMO between Deloitte Saudi Arabia and Deloitte UK and oversaw the sealed proposal process to Ministry of Interior for an RFP to develop 9 Command and Operation Centers throughout the Kingdom
 Ministry of Education - Part of a multi-teamed project to improve ministry efficiency, working on site to manage customer requirements and expectations


Quel est votre niveau de formation?
Permettez aux employeurs de savoir plus concernant votre éducation. Soyez clair et concis.
mai 2010

Baccalauréat, Business Managment

à Kansas State University
Lieu : Etats Unis - Kansas
Moyenne générale: 2.95 sur 4
MBA, Business Administration and Management (exp. 2021) distance learning - Kansas State University
BSc, Business Administration and Management Kansas State University

Profils Sociaux

Profils Sociaux

Vos profils sociaux et professionnels vous aident à mieux vous exprimer devant les autres, et surtout devant votre futur employeur.


Parlez-vous plus d\'une langue?
Dans certaines professions, la maîtrise d'une ou de plusieurs langues étrangères est un plus ; il faut donc ajouter vos compétences linguistiques pour obtenir de meilleurs résultats.






Etes-vous membre d\'une organisation ou d\'un club professionnel?
Vos adhésions professionnelles révèlent vos aspirations professionnelles, ajoutez-les!
Organisation : the National Society of Collegiate Scholars
Adhésion/Rôle : Member
Membre depuis : October 2007
