Sari Shehada, Full Stack Developer

Sari Shehada

Full Stack Developer


Syrie - An Nabk
Baccalauréat, Information Technology And Engineering
1 years, 6 Mois

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Expériences professionnelles

Total des années d'expérience :1 years, 6 Mois

Full Stack Developer à Freelance
  • Syrie - Damas
  • Je travaille ici depuis janvier 2023

Worked on a variety of projects as a freelancer, utilizing modern software technologies and frameworks to achieve good quality & fast-performing solutions that solve client problems efficiently and reliably.

As a .Net Developer I have:
● Used Three-Tier Architecture along side EF Core Code First to build robust & scalable software solutions.
● Implemented secure authentication and authorization schemes, including JWT tokens, user management and handling token invalidation
● Implemented functional error handling for easy to use and handle domain errors by the client.
● Worked with a variety of NuGet Packages like Fluent Validation, .Net Topology Suite, Serilog.

As a Flutter Developer I have:
• Become proficient in using the GetX state management solution for complex projects
• Built over 10 Flutter applications ranging from small-scale to large-scale enterprise-level projects
• Collaborated on a set of reusable libraries and utilities for common Flutter challenges such as HTTP client management & localization.


Baccalauréat, Information Technology And Engineering
  • à University Of Kalamoon
  • juillet 2023

Learned Team Management, Meeting Deadlines, Teamwork, among other IT related skills. Ranked top 1 among my colleagues in my graduation year with a GPA of 3.42

Specialties & Skills

Time Management
Deadline Management
Mobile Development
Flutter & Dart
Getx State Management
.Net Core


Langue Maternelle

Formation et Diplômes

Ielts Academic Test - Score: 7.0 (Certificat)
Date de la formation:
August 2020
Valide jusqu'à:
August 2022


  • Chess