Ali Farhad Hameed, Lead Advisor/Consultant

Ali Farhad Hameed

Lead Advisor/Consultant

Independent Consultant

Pakistan - Lahore
Master, Management/Marketing Management
18 years, 5 Mois

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Expériences professionnelles

Total des années d'expérience :18 years, 5 Mois

Lead Advisor/Consultant à Independent Consultant
  • Pakistan - Lahore
  • novembre 2016 à décembre 2017

I am currently working on a technical assistance for a Dubai and Pakistan based engineering consultancy firm, G3 Engineering Pvt. Ltd. I previously worked as Lead ERP Advisor for G3 Engineering’s ERP Implementation Project at Quetta Electric Supply Company. Now I am analyzing their ERP data to help them establish a comprehensive reporting system and also providing technical advice to their technical staff.

Lead ICT Expert/Consultant à USAID thru Chemonics International and Semiotics Pvt. Ltd.
  • Pakistan - Lahore
  • août 2015 à octobre 2016

The goal of Punjab Enabling Environment Project (PEEP) is to improve the enabling environment for the agribusiness sector in Punjab by promoting private sector led growth. The project will develop and implement a set of activities that will result in significant policy reforms, capacity building of sector associations, and investments in Punjab to support the government, private sector and civil society organizations in improving livestock, dairy and horticulture value chains. PEEP is unique in the sense that it will develop and implement a set of activities based on three project components that will not only result in significant policy reform and capacity building of sector actors, but will also be instrumental in leveraging $180 million in private sector investment and create 15, 000 direct and indirect job opportunities over the five year life of the project. As ICT Expert, I am currently working on Punjab Agriculture Department’s major initiatives including Technological Backbone for Agriculture Extension 2.0; Information Hub and Commodity Stock Exchange. I am leading development and implementation of Agriculture Department’s various technology backed initiatives related to GIS Applications, Lab Information System, Govt-2-Farmer Communication System, M-Governance, Field Force Monitoring System and Networking Infrastructure. My responsibilities include overall project management, technical advice and support, development of requirements and ToRs, supervision of bidding process including technical evaluation and provide technical leadership and support to both USAID PEEP Team and Department of Agriculture, Punjab. I also developed an ICT based M&E Framework for agriculture Department

Head of ICT/Additional Director à Punjab Healthcare Commission (PHC) -
  • Pakistan - Lahore
  • avril 2013 à août 2015

PHC is an independent regulator that aims to introduce health standards for improving the quality of health services at all healthcare establishments at the primary, secondary and tertiary levels In Punjab. As Additional Director ICT, my responsibilities are to oversee and lead the software development of PHC’s licensing, complaints management, clinical governance modules on its website as well as in-house software modules for processing of licensing applications, complaints and other project management related activities. I also provide support to directorates of Licensing, Complaints, Clinical Governance and Business Support. I have implemented ERP solution in PHC covering Finance, Inventory, HR and Fixed Assets. I have also successfully obtained software licenses worth over $112, 595/- from Microsoft as donation for PHC.

Lead Advisor ERP Implementation à G3 Engineering/Quetta Electric Supply Company (
  • Pakistan - Lahore
  • septembre 2012 à juillet 2014

G3 Engineering Consultants have been given the task of implementing ERP system in QESCO as part of Power Sector Reforms and recommendations in USAID’s QESCO Performance Improvement Action Plan 2011. In this regard, a comprehensive presentation of ERP system was given to QESCO Board of Directors in May 2013 and work on implementing Finance, HR and Inventory modules began. The Project Definition, Situation Analysis and some activities of Operational Analysis Phase have already been completed. Procurement of IT equipment and selection of ERP service provider have been completed. The Phase-I of ERP implementation has been completed. As a Lead Consultant/Advisor ERP, I was responsible for overall project management of ERP; procurement of equipment services; provide technical input on various project activities; ensured that design, implementation, data migration, transition, training and other phases are completed.

Project Implementation Team Lead à ADB for Development of Market Based Construction Cost Data under Procurement Partnership Initiative
  • Pakistan - Lahore
  • novembre 2011 à juin 2013

ADB provided Technical Assistance (REG-7437) worth $149500/- under Procurement Partnership Initiative (PPI) to Pakistan Institute of Cost & Contracts (PICC) which is one of the three institutions selected by ADB from ENTIRE region. I developed the project proposal which was approved by ADB after extensive reviews and consultations. This grant was used by PICC to strengthen procurement reforms in Pakistan by improving PICC products & services; developing SoR, BOQ calculator, special reports; capacity building; marketing & awareness campaign of Cost Data; and other R&D and Training activities. As a Project Implementation Team Lead, I successfully, completed all the tasks for three Quarters. I supervised the project management, coordination with ADB officials for monitoring & evaluation, software development as well as marketing and PR campaigns. I was also responsible for quarterly reviews and meetings with ADB officials who regularly visit PICC.

Head of Information Technology à Pakistan Institute of Cost & Contracts (PICC)
  • Pakistan - Lahore
  • juillet 2009 à juin 2013

A subsidiary of Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC), PICC is a non-profit, research based institution which to function independently for preparation and updating of web based cost of all construction inputs and to deal with matters related to engineering contracts. As Head IT Division, my responsibilities included Project Management of IT Division, Manage and Supervise Software Development, Policy Planning, Communication with Stakeholders, HR Management, Training and Research etc. I have developed Policies Manual for PICC which has been enforced after the approval from the Board of Directors. I also lead and managed the execution of a 1.5 year long TA (REG-7437) provided by ADB under Procurement Partnership Initiative (PPI) and a TA from USAID Small Grants Programme. I have won 70% discount on software licenses from Microsoft for PICC.

Information Systems and Monitoring & Evaluation Consultant à DFID/Crown Agents
  • Pakistan - Lahore
  • janvier 2011 à décembre 2012

As a Consultant, I designed and developed the requirement specifications and functional design document which included Network and ICT Architecture for Punjab Healthcare Commission (PHC). After designing the architecture of PHC's website and in-house health information system, I have also been involved in its implementation. Funded by DFID, Crown Agents/TRF is assisting Punjab Government in establishing PHC. I have been involved in conducting various stakeholders’ workshops and also developed policies manual and processes for PHC (

Consultant à DFID: Development of Action Plan for Implementation Health Minimum Services Delivery Standards
  • Pakistan - Lahore
  • août 2009 à septembre 2009

DFID UK, Punjab Devolved Social Services Program (PDSSP), Technical Assistance Management Agency (TAMA)
Description: The Government of Punjab is committed to reaching the standards set out internationally in the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). It recognizes that in order to reach these goals it must focus not only on improving the coverage of health facilities but also the quality of care provided. With this in mind a series of documents were commissioned which set out minimum standards across the different levels of care from primary to tertiary care. As Monitoring & Evaluation and Information Systems Consultant, I developed implementation and Action Plan for three documents namely Minimum Services Delivery Standards, Standard Medical Protocols and Standard Operating Procedures. The work includes development of information systems architecture as well as monitoring & evaluation framework (Performance Management Plan, Indicators, and Qualitative Analysis of health data). This work has been carried out in close coordination with the various departments of Government of Punjab and the Director General Health Services, and other key programs such as the Punjab Health Sector Reform Program (PHSRP). The idea is to improve the quality of health services across the Punjab in Primary & Secondary Healthcare Facilities in line with the newly developed standards and protocols.

Sr. Consultant/Project Manager à Orblynx Pvt. Ltd (
  • Pakistan - Lahore
  • janvier 2005 à juin 2009

An association of more than 75 health professionals (including physicians), management & HR consultants, pharmacy experts, and marketing consultants, Orblynx is a leading healthcare and management consulting firm in Pakistan with mission to improve public health. As Sr. Consultant, my responsibilities included providing strategic leadership to the organization, project planning, budgeting, supervising research studies, training and learning needs analysis of company’s HR, overseeing project development, implementation and monitoring, resource mobilization and managing consultants. I implement organizational change management processes, evaluate the current skill-set of employees, perform need assessment and then based on results, design and implement training programs. I conduct in-house workshops on wide range of topics. I undertake fund-raising for ongoing projects and lobby through Asian Development Bank, Business Support Fund, Competitive Support Fund and DFID UK.

Head of PMO/Project Manager à Ghost Software Pvt. Ltd.
  • Pakistan - Lahore
  • février 2006 à juin 2007

Major tasks included strategic planning, project budgeting, analysis, design, implementation, evaluation, project management and capacity development. Assisted in evaluation, training and learning need assessment of company’s staff; designed and conducted in-house trainings to fill the identified gaps. Conducted in-house workshops for developing better understanding of company’s outsourcing policy and change management processes. I was also responsible for managing outsourcing jobs and processes development. Performed internal evaluation of new project ideas and proposals. Managed communication with company’s global clients. Contributed in organization’s capacity assessment, strategic planning, HR development and management systems, including monitoring and evaluation system. Supervised design and execution of various projects and research studies related to management, software development, telecom issues and HR management.

Head of Scheduling Department/Project Manager à CureMD Corporation
  • Pakistan - Lahore
  • février 2000 à février 2006

Based in NY, USA, CureMD is a large healthcare company with development house in Lahore, Pakistan. CureMD is one of the pioneers in developing and launching web based practice management system. As Project Manager, my responsibilities included supervising Scheduling Department and managing related projects, communicating with global clients, needs assessment and developing requisite functional specification documents. Responsibilities also included providing support to MIS, network and Billing Departments. Helped CureMD in developing management systems as well as in ISO-9000 certification. Undertook research on health information management including compliance with US Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act and Commission for Healthcare Information Technology standards. Led HR development, processes and in-house training in healthcare domain. Conducted workshops to help employees deal and manage HIPAA, CCHIT and ISO-9000 certification related organizational process changes.

Software Engineer à Ascot Drummond Pvt. Ltd. UK
  • Pakistan - Lahore
  • août 1999 à février 2000

Ascot Drummond are the web accountants providing accounting and finance solutions to their clients in Europe and the America. As its Software Engineer, I wrote lines of code and coded various critical e-solution modules. I contributed to the R&D, Quality Management and testing various modules of application.


Master, Management/Marketing Management
  • à Institute of Business Administration (IBA), University of the Punjab
  • juin 2005

MBA degree with CGPA: 3.69/4.

Baccalauréat, Information Technology/Software Engineering
  • à Institute of Management Sciences (Pak-AIMS)
  • août 1999

Bachelors of Computer Sciences

Baccalauréat, History/International Relations/Journalism
  • à University of the Punjab
  • septembre 1996

Bachelors of Arts (History, Journalism, International Relations)

Specialties & Skills

ICT Consulting
SQL Server
Healthcare Information Technology
Project Management
E procurement
ERP: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012
E-Procurement Systems Development
Health Information Technology
Project Management
SQL Server 2000 and Higher
Procurement Management under PPRA Rules
ICT for Agriculture
Information and Communications Technology (ICT)

Profils Sociaux

Site Web Personnel
Site Web Personnel

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  • Reading Book/Writing Writing Book on city of Lahore which is expected to be completed in December 2015