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اضغط على زر البحث، قم باختيار صورة معينة، ثم اضغط على حفظ الصورة
المبادئ التوجيهية
  1. قم بتحميل صورة لنفسك فقط.
  2. سيتم رفض صور الأطفال أو المشاهير أو الحيوانات أو صور الشخصيات الكرتونية.
  3. سيتم رفض الصور التي تحتوي على عري أو الصور العنيفة وقد تؤدي تلك الصور إلى إلغاء حسابك الخاص.
  4. سيتم رفض صورة جواز السفر أو صورة عن بطاقة الهوية أو تلك التي تحتوي على أي معلومات شخصية مثل عنوانك ورقم جواز السفر، أو أرقام الاتصال الخاصة بك وذلك من أجل أمنك الشخصي.

حذف المبادئ التوجيهية

Sayyad Tanveer Ali Bukhari

Duty Medical Officer

الإمارات العربية المتحدة - الشارقة
12 سنة, شهر واحد

الخبرة العملية

ما هي خبرتك المهنية؟ في الواقع، إن الخبرة المهنية هي من أهم أقسام سيرتك الذاتية.
يمكنك ذكر كافة مهاراتك والمسؤوليات، والمشاريع والإنجازات التي قمت بها في كل دور وظيفي. إن كنت قد تخرجت مؤخراً، يمكنك إضافة الأعمال التطوعية أو فترات التدريب التي قمت بها.
إضافة الخبرة

مجموع سنوات الخبرة:  12 سنوات, 1 أشهر   

أغسطس 2012 إلى أغسطس 2013

Duty Medical Officer

في Rajitha Hospital
البلد : الهند - حيدر اباد
Participate/assist/attend in-house trainings as requested. This may include. fire safety, infection control, manual handling, blood transfusion
aware of the promotion of effective customer care and public relations in order to promote the good reputation of the hospital
Working hours vary and are not typically anytime. Working extra hours in the evening and at weekends is not uncommon in order to meet tight deadlines.
Can easily handle multi task and can settle down with the strategies of the organization.
Can handle the team and work as a individual effectively
Ability to train strategically
Can work with the fast faced environment and on the cutthroat competition.
ديسمبر 2010 إلى أغسطس 2011

Unani Medical officer.

في Government Rural Hospital Gondpipri.
البلد : الهند - ناجبور
Worked as a unani medical officer in Rural hospital Gondpipri dist.chandrapur maharashtra india.which includes to check up and presribed medicine to the patient.i have the best command over skin disease such as pimples, acene vulgaris, dermatitis also I have specialised in joints pain and related disease.many number of patient got relief from skin disease treated by me.worked with gruoup of medical doctors to handle emmergency, to co-operate medical staff and also handled patient, patient relatives . explains the dose of medicine to the patient and also relatives of patient.i have good interpostal and communicable skill to promot the hospital and related firm.i had made monthly report to know which kind of disease is present in the perticular area and also make people educate in case of endemic condition to prevent bad effect of vide spread disease .i also make monthly report in terms of age and gender to know what is the statics of the disease in the community.
أغسطس 2006 إلى ديسمبر 2010

Cheif Medical Practioner

في Bukhari clinic
البلد : الهند - ناجبور
Covering medical and surgical topics, diagnosis, and treatment.
Manage the assessment and admission of acute and elective patients under the care of his/her team
Undertake clinical responsibilities as directed by the Registrar or Consultant, also organize relevant investigations, ensure the results are followed up, sighted and signed.
Be responsible, under the supervision of the Registrar and/or Consultant, to review inpatients on a daily basis (with the exception of unreserved weekends).
Maintain a high standard of communication with patients, patients’ families and staff.
Inform registrars/consultants of the status of patients especially if there is an unexpected event.
Communicate with patients and (as appropriate) their families about patients’ illness and treatment
Respond to request by other health professionals to assess and treat inpatients under the care of other medical teams or services as per the attached roster.
Be responsible for the accuracy and completeness of reports, patient notes and other official documentation
Ensure legible notes are written in patient charts at all times.
All prescriptions and notes are to be signed, with a printed name and locator number legibly recorded.
أغسطس 2005 إلى أغسطس 2006

Senior Practitioner

في Yadav multispeciality hospital nagpur.
البلد : الهند - ناجبور
Undertake specific medical procedures on patients within all departments in the hospital as requested by medical and nursing staff. Cannulation, commencing i.v infusions, urinary catheterizations, administration of i.v drugs.
check blood sample results and take necessary actions
assist with pre-operative /admission and outpatient clinics, if requested
prescribe medicines to take home and complete discharge letters as requested according to local policies
before going off duty ensure appropriate communication to the oncoming RMO specifying any requirements of individual patients
inform Consultants of any change in the condition of their patients and any
emergency procedures undertaken
see and examine discharged post-operative patients, on requests of the consultant
familiar, understand and adhere to all Health and Safety regulations including evacuation policy and the RMO’s role in such an event.
أغسطس 2002 إلى أغسطس 2005

Medical officer

في khidmat hospital
البلد : الهند - ناجبور
Attend communication (handover) rounds as require
update clinical notes on all patients attended according to best practice for record keeping
respond promptly to the request of all medical staff ( Consultants and other doctors, nurses) to see any patients within the hospital and to advise or start any treatment as indicated
Undertake specific medical procedures on patients within all departments in the hospital as requested by medical and nursing staff. Cannulation, commencing i.v infusions, urinary catheterizations, administration of i.v drugs.
check blood sample results and take necessary actions
assist with pre-operative /admission and outpatient clinics, if requested
prescribe medicines to take home and complete discharge letters as requested according to local policies
before going off duty ensure appropriate communication to the oncoming RMO specifying any requirements of individual patients
inform Consultants of any change in the condition of their patients and any
emergency procedures undertaken.


ما هي خلفيتك التعليمية؟
اسمح لأصحاب العمل بالإطلاع على المزيد حول خلفيتك التعليمية. كن واضحاً ومختصراً.
مايو 2002


في Taj Tibbia college and Rasheedia hospital nagpur, India.
البلد : الهند - ناجبور

Specialties & Skills


كم من لغّة في رصيدك؟
إن تكلم لغات متعددة من الأمور الأساسية في بعض الوظائف لذا عليك إضافة المهارات اللغوية من أجل تحقيق نتائج أفضل.











الهوايات والاهتمامات

شارك هواياتك واهتماماتك كي يتمكن اصحاب العمل من التعرف عليك اكثر
أفضل طريقة أمام أصحاب العمل لمعرفة المزيد عنك هي بالإطلاع على هوايتك واهتماماتك.

Cricket.Tennis,Foot ball.
