Mert Musabeşeoğlu, Software Developer

Mert Musabeşeoğlu

Software Developer

Bilge Adam

الإمارات العربية المتحدة - دبي
بكالوريوس, Computer Engineering
1 years, 8 أشهر

مشاركة سيرتي الذاتية

حظر المستخدم

الخبرة العملية

مجموع سنوات الخبرة :1 years, 8 أشهر

Software Developer في Bilge Adam
  • تركيا - اسطنبول
  • يونيو 2023 إلى يناير 2024

Enriching my skill set during the Bilge Adam .NET SDP bootcamp, I've gained a comprehensive understanding of various
technologies crucial for modern software development. Proficient in .NET, I've delved into its architecture, mastering
components to create robust applications. Object-Oriented Programming principles are now ingrained, allowing me to design
agile and maintainable solutions.
Diving into MSSQL and ADO.NET refined my database management skills, complemented by tools like Dapper and LINQ,
enhancing data access efficiency. Front-end technologies—HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, jQuery, and AJAX—empower
me to craft engaging user interfaces.
ASP.NET Core has become a cornerstone of my skill set, enabling the development of modern web applications and scalable
RESTful services. Git ensures seamless version control, and Scrum principles add an agile touch to my development approach.
The addition of Entity Framework has further strengthened my capabilities. Proficiency in this powerful ORM tool enhances my
ability to work seamlessly with databases, simplifying data operations and accelerating the development process.
This SDP journey has equipped me with a holistic understanding of analytical processes, empowering me to contribute
effectively to project requirements and decision-making. These learnings collectively position me as a versatile and adaptive
developer, ready to tackle the challenges of the ever-evolving tech landscape.

  • تركيا - اسطنبول
  • يناير 2023 إلى فبراير 2023

UPTION (AKTİFBANK) Jan 2023 - Feb 2023
Backend .NET Developer

During my internship atUption, I had the opportunity to work on paymentsystems and gain valuable experience in the
field of money transfers. I primarily focused on utilizing C# and .NET Core technologies to develop efficient and secure
Throughoutthe internship, I worked with varioustechnologies and tools, including:
.NET Core: I leveraged the power of .NET Core to build robust and scalable paymentsystems. This framework provided
me with the flexibility and performance needed to handle complex financial transactions effectively.
ASP.NETCore: I used ASP.NET Core to develop the backend infrastructure of the paymentsystems. This allowed me to
create RESTful APIs and handle various payment-related functionalities.
Visual Studio: I utilized Visual Studio asmy primary integrated development environment(IDE) to write and debug C#
code. Its rich set of features and seamless integration with .NET Core helped streamline my development workflow.
C#: As the primary programming language, I extensively used C# to implement the business logic and transactional
processes of the paymentsystems. I became proficientin writing clean and efficient code that adhered to industry best
SQL and Microsoft SQL Server: I worked with SQL and Microsoft SQL Server to design andmanage the databases for the
paymentsystems. This involved creating tables, writing queries, and ensuring data integrity and security.
Postman API: I utilized Postman API for testing and validating the RESTful APIs developed for the paymentsystems. This
allowed me to verify the functionality and performance of the endpoints.
Azure DevOps Server and Jira: I actively participated in agile developmentmethodologies by using Azure DevOps Server
and Jira for project management, issue tracking, and collaboration with the development team.
SOAP: I gained experience in working with SOAP (SimpleObject Access Protocol) for integrating with external payment
providers and facilitating secure and reliable communication between different systems.
**My internship atUption providedme with practical experience in developing paymentsystems and strengthenedmy
skills in C# and .NET Core. The hands-on exposure to these technologies, along with my ability to work with SQL
databases and collaborate with a development team, will undoubtedly contribute to my success in future projects
involving payment systems

Software Developer في Virtara Group Informatics Technology
  • تركيا - Bolu
  • أكتوبر 2022 إلى ديسمبر 2022

After completing my internship, I had the opportunity to continue my career at Virtara Group, where I made significant
progress. During this period, I set a new goal for myself to learn and enhance my skills in Vue.js, a powerful JavaScript
Learning Vue.js has helped me advance my web development skills. I have gained knowledge in creating impressive user
interfaces, working efficiently with a component-based architecture, and simplifying data management. I was thrilled by
the prospect of developing dynamic and interactive web applications using the features provided by Vue.js, and Ifocused
on honing my expertise in this area.
While working at Virtara Group, I had the chance to gain hands-on experience with Vue.js on real projects. I effectively
utilized Vue.js to develop user-friendly and modern web applications for the company's prominent clients. These projects
allowed me to improve my ability to write modular and maintainable code using Vue.js' component-based structure.
Additionally, I ensured efficient application performance by leveraging Vue.js' reactive data binding feature.
Learning and applying Vue.js will serve as a strong addition to my resume. With the experience and skills I acquired
during this period, I am confident in my ability to contribute to Vue.js projects and make a positive impact on the
development of modern web applications.

Software Engineer في BWA Digital
  • تركيا - اسطنبول
  • يوليو 2022 إلى أغسطس 2022

Before starting to learn PHP, I worked on understanding the basics of web programming and its logic. Then, I began practicing by
creating projects, including building a blog website. This allowed me to explore the core functions of PHP and its interaction with
Before starting my internship, I wanted to enhance my knowledge of HTML and CSS. While I had a basic understanding of HTML, I
needed more experience with CSS. I utilized various resources and example projects to learn CSS. I had the opportunity to practice by
implementing different designs, which helped me improve my skills in page layouts, styles, transition effects, and media queries.
I also aimed to acquire more knowledge in JavaScript because I wanted to add interactive features and enhance user interaction. I learned
the fundamentals of JavaScript and then solidified my skills through project work. I wrote functions and events tailored to various
scenarios, including form validation, animations, data processing, and API integration.
During my internship, I received guidance from my supervisor and focused on PHP projects following their instructions. I strived to
understand the backend infrastructure and worked on projects accordingly. Additionally, Itook on an admin login page project to further
develop myCSS skills. I made rapid progress in CSS and applied it to my projects.
In conclusion, I made significant progress in PHP, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript during my internship. Throughout this process, I had
the opportunity to practice and apply what I learned through practical projects, which helped me enhance my abilities. I continued to
acquire new knowledge and further develop myself during the internship period.

Software Engineer في Netax Technology
  • تركيا - اسطنبول
  • مارس 2021 إلى يوليو 2021

My first job was to test the demo version of the application in the test part of the mobile application
and report it to the analyst. Then I moved to the software department and took part in the backend
Java mobile software team and did an internship with Spring boot. This was a voluntary internship
for me.

الخلفية التعليمية

بكالوريوس, Computer Engineering
  • في Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal University
  • يونيو 2023

As an honor student, I finished my school in 4 years.

بكالوريوس, Banking And Finance
  • في Eskişehir Anadolu University
  • يناير 2021

securities and capital exchange

Specialties & Skills

Computer Engineering
Business Analysis
Problem solving
Business Analyst
Finishing task
Technical Writing
.NET Full-Stack Development
Computer Engineering
Crisis management


اللغة الأم

التدريب و الشهادات

Software Development Program (Bootcamp) .NET (تدريب)
معهد التدريب:
Bilge Adam
تاريخ الدورة:
June 2023
1440 ساعة


  • Video Gaming
    2021 Reddbull Campus Clutch Valorant Tournement - Semi Finalist
  • Table Tennis
    As a licensed student, I played on the school team in high school.
  • Basketball
    As a licensed student, I played on the school team in high school and university.
  • Chess
    2015 Güngören Chess Tournament 1st place