Mohamed Elboraee, Honorary Senior Lecturer of Paediatrics, and Academic Advisor

Mohamed Elboraee

Honorary Senior Lecturer of Paediatrics, and Academic Advisor

Medical School, University of Manchester, UK.

Grande Bretagne (UK)
Diplôme supérieur, Medical Sciences And Health Systems Management
25 years, 0 Mois

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Expériences professionnelles

Total des années d'expérience :25 years, 0 Mois

Honorary Senior Lecturer of Paediatrics, and Academic Advisor à Medical School, University of Manchester, UK.
  • Royaume Uni - Manchester
  • Je travaille ici depuis octobre 2021

My role is that I am fully responsible to provide high quality of teaching and research participation for Manchester Medical school. To participate in providing the approved educational programme uses innovative and nationally leading, teaching and learning approaches based on adult learning principles emphasizing clinical reasoning, experiential learning, subject integration and reflective practice. In the earlier years of the programme, delivery emphasizes foundations of medical science, small group problem-based learning with early clinical experience; later years emphasize learning through immersion in clinical placements across services in the NHS and social care in Greater Manchester and the North West region.
• Be responsible for a group of 6 medical students (advisees) during their studies across years 3-5 of the programme.
• Meet with my students throughout the academic year for support meetings.
• Provide positive role modelling of the profession and the role of a doctor in the current and future NHS.
• As my students progress through their studies provide guidance, through discussion, for each student to
o Develop as a critical thinker and reflective learner.
o Develop deeper understanding and insight into their clinical experiences.
o Challenge their own attitudes and behaviours.
o Develop coping strategies to a manage uncertainty.
• Provide high quality feedback on my student’s entries in their portfolio.
• Enable my student to analyse their response to feedback from summative assessments supervisors and/ or peers to identify their strengths and weaknesses.
• Enable my student to analyse their progress in order to formulate clear and precise learning/action plans to prepare for the next component of their studies.
• Support them through issues in their study and exam skills, such as prioritisation and time management.
• Agree plans at the end of each meeting and monitor if, and how, these plans are implemented.
• Support students in understanding the importance of maintaining their wellbeing.
• Provide signposting to relevant support within the MBChB programme where appropriate.
• If students are identified with issues that may be obstacles to progress or are causes for concern to the student, escalate to the appropriate CEC PPD Academic.
• Act as a Reviewer at the end of each academic year to assess the PPD progress of a different group of six students, (not those that I have acted as Academic advisor for through the academic year).
Attend staff development activities delivered by the programme to support your ability to carry out the role to the highest standard

General Medical Council ( GMC ) Specialist Application Associate à General Medical Council ( GMC )
  • Royaume Uni - Manchester
  • Je travaille ici depuis juin 2024

As Specialist Applications Associates, I am responsible for reviewing and evaluating a portfolio of documentation submitted by applicants through an online portal. The primary duties of a Specialist Applications Associate include: Evaluator Training: Providing training to evaluators to ensure they understand the assessment process thoroughly. Assessment of Applications: Thoroughly assessing applications against the standards outlined in the current version of the approved specialty CCT / non CCT curriculum. Evidence-Based Recommendations: Ensuring that recommendations are supported by the evidence provided in the application. Referencing page numbers to substantiate conclusions drawn from the documentation. Independent Recommendations: Providing independent recommendations to the General Medical Council (GMC) based on the evaluation of applications. While communication among associates is allowed, each specialist associate delivers their recommendations autonomously. Non-Contact Policy: Maintaining a strict policy of non-contact with the applicant during the evaluation process. Specialist Associates refrain from initiating any form of communication with the applicant, and they do not request the GMC Specialist Applications team to contact the applicant on their behalf for any reason.
As a Specialist Applications Associate, meticulous attention to detail, adherence to established standards, and impartial evaluation are essential to ensure fair and consistent decision-making in the assessment of applications

Substantive Consultant Neonatologist à St. Mary’s Hospital, University of Manchester, UK.
  • Royaume Uni - Manchester
  • Je travaille ici depuis mai 2018

St. Mary’s Hospital is the largest level 3 NICU in the UK. My role is that I am fully responsible to provide the highest standard of clinical practice and expertise in assessment, investigation, diagnosis, and treatment of Newborn infants in the level 3 neonatal intensive care unit and other neonatal care settings in hospital dealing with wide variety of critical, level 3, medical, cardiac, surgical & other subspecialties neonatal cases. In addition to perform the follow up developmental clinic of my patients.
I am actively taking part in continuous quality improvement activities of the department, updating the unit/ hospital policy and guidelines and the teaching activities. I am the teaching lead of the unit and the coordinator for the registrar/ NNP/ ANNP teaching, organizing all the teaching activities in the NICU at St Mary’s hospital.

Assistant Professor in the Department of Paediatrics à Division of Neonatal‐Perinatal Medicine, Dalhousie University and the IWK Health Centre, Nova Scotia
  • Canada - Halifax
  • février 2022 à juin 2023

IWK Health Centre is the main tertiary referral NICU in the Maritime provinces. My role is that I am fully responsible to provide the highest standard of clinical practice and expertise in assessment, investigation, diagnosis, and treatment of Newborn infants in the level 3 neonatal intensive care unit and other neonatal care settings in hospital dealing with wide variety of critical, level 3, medical, cardiac, surgical & other subspecialties neonatal cases. In addition to the responsibility of taking all the transport calls during my clinical duty, interacting with the referring physician / pediatrician, and help them to stabilize the sick infants, and prioritizing the calls and mobilizing the transport team accordingly

Head of paediatric department, Consultant Paediatrics & Neonatology à Medina Specialized Hospital, Luxor, Egypt.
  • Egypte - Louxor
  • janvier 2017 à mai 2018

My role is that I was fully responsible to provide the highest standard of clinical practice and expertise in assessment, investigation, diagnosis and treatment of Paediatrics and Newborn infants delivered in hospital.
- I was actively taking part in developing the Paediatrics department / neonatal unit / hospital policy and guidelines and the nursing/ junior teaching activities. In addition to successful delivery of high standard patient's care. I was the take-charge person who is able to arrange & successfully help in developing and implementing patient care plans.
- I was responsible for managing the assigned clinics as per the approved rota by the Medical Director. I was responsible for attending the difficulty / high risk deliveries, initial assessment, requesting investigation, analysing the results, diagnosis, treatment, and re-assessment on follow- up, was responsible for monitoring the patients' condition and progress and re-evaluate/ re-assessment and treated the patient accordingly.
- Moreover, admitting the patients under my care whenever indicated within the limits of the approved and assigned privileges. I used to spend more time for patient/ family education, and to explain procedures and discuss diagnostic results or prescribed treatments with the parents. I was responsible for referring patients to other specialists when necessary, also consult with, or provide consulting services to other physicians whenever requested. Knowing the limitation of the hospital sittings, I was responsible for identifying and appropriately transferring all the Medico-Legal Cases on time with all the proper documentation and information to the hospital management as per the Hospital policy.
- I was serving on departmental / hospital Committees as required

Clinical/ Research Neonatal Perinatal Fellowship à University of Alberta, Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, Edmonton, AB, Canada.
  • Canada - Edmonton
  • juillet 2013 à décembre 2016

I completed subspecialized training in neonatal-perinatal medicine at the University of Alberta, accredited by the RCPSC Canada. At neonatal-perinatal medicine devision, includes two level II units and two level III units. One level III NICU unit has an active surgical program with approximately 500 admissions per year; it is a very busy surgical/cardiac NICU that manages a wide range of pre and postoperative surgical neonates. To collaborate with a full complement of Paediatric and surgical specialists and subspecialists to provide specialized services such as cardiac and cardio-surgical services, neurosurgery, neonatal general surgery, ENT. It is also the surgical site for a second level III NICU unit with high-risk perinatology services with approximately 1300 admissions per year. With state-of-the-art NICU practices - nitric oxide, high frequency oscillatory & jet ventilation, affiliated ECMO program in PICU.
- I mastered, learned, and practiced knowledge, skills and attitudes needed to provide state of the art neonatal care both in the premature and surgical (including cardiac) neonatal population. I was given progressive responsibility and independence through my training such that by the end of my training I was functioning effectively as an independent consultant neonatologist in level II and III units. My role was to attend the high-risk deliveries, to assess, stabilize, and manage the various medical, surgical, and cardiac conditions encountered within the practice of level II and level III Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine.
- I was actively taking part in developing/ updating the neonatal unit policy and guidelines, in addition to nursing/ residence teaching activities. I also experienced a wide variety of patient transport, perinatology and neurodevelopmental follow up with a well-supported research/academic pursuit component.

Senior specialist in Paediatrics and Neonatology à University Hospital Sharjah (UHS), Sharjah, UAE.
  • Émirats Arabes Unis - Sharjah
  • mai 2011 à juin 2013

My role was to provide highest standard of clinical practice and expertise in assessment, investigation, diagnosis and treatment of Paediatrics attending or admitted to our hospital and Newborn infants delivered in hospital. Performing routine daily round in the inpatient, NICU, PICU, and the
Paediatrics triage area of the emergency department as per the department

rota. In addition to performing new clinics & the routine follow up clinics.
Capable of diagnosing and treating babies and children in both emergency and non-emergency situations. Apart from my clinical responsibilities as Paediatrician and neonatologist, I was involved with various hospital committees, clinical audits and takes active part in formulating and updating clinical practice guidelines. I was actively involved as a member of the Continuing Medical Education Committee to organizes lectures and trainings for various local and regional conferences and workshops. I was teaching the PALS as instructor regularly through the Clinical Training Centre (CTC) approved by the American Heart Association as a Training Centre. Performing regular teaching activities to the department and heavily involved in the nurses' education

Clinical Lecturer of Paediatrics, Medical & health sciences colleges à Sharjah University, Sharjah, UAE.
  • Émirats Arabes Unis - Sharjah
  • mars 2012 à juin 2013

My role was to teach through medical school lectures, seminars and practical classes as requested by the Head of Department (HOD) or any other person nominated by HOD in line with the medical school curriculum for the Paediatrics and child health. To engage in university assessment & examination by preparation and performing the OSCE exams as examiner. To supervise and mentor the medical school & graduate students by doing a regular meeting and assessment on an annual basis to assess the quality of their clinical and academic achievements. to contribute through research activity and
publication to maintaining the overall standard of the department.

Registrar in Paediatrics and neonatology à Hadi Clinic, (CCHSA), Kuwait
  • Koweït - Al Koweït
  • avril 2006 à mai 2011

My role was to provide the highest standard of clinical practice
and expertise in assessment, investigation, diagnosis and treatment of Paediatrics
attending or admitted to our hospital and Newborn infants delivered in hospital.
I used to cover the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). Delivery room (DR). and
the Paediatrics inpatient ward. In the NICU, I was responsible for; Examination of
newly born babies; Assessment and sharing in deciding plan of management of
critically ill babies admitted to the NICU; Doing the invasive procedures needed
for those babies including intubation, Surfactant administration, umbilical vessels
catheterization & chest tube placement; Care of Ventilated babies and adjusting
the ventilator setting as clinically indicated; Requesting the required
investigations and acting promptly to the panic results; Documenting all the
patient’s data in the electronic health records; Bedside/documented
endorsement of patients to my colleagues and seniors; Regular scientific
presentation to the NICU staff and nurses' education. In the Delivery room I was
responsible for; Attendance and assessment of newborn following high-risk
pregnancy and delivery; Basic and advanced CPR of newborn as indicated; Taking
decision regarding admitting sick babies to the NICU; Educate the Labour room

nurses; Sharing in the decision and plan of discharging the recovered babies. In
the Paediatrics ward, I was in charge of; Assessment and plan the management, together with consultant on call, of admitting children; Routine regular rounding on these children and management of uprising clinical problems; Inserting lines and doing the required procedures; Fill documentation of the patients’ progress information in electronic medical records.

Paediatrics & Neonatal Specialist à Centre for Social and Preventive Medicine (CSPM), Cairo University Hospitals, Cairo, Egypt
  • Egypte - Le Caire
  • janvier 2005 à mars 2006

I was working in different clinics; Metabolic diseases, Cardiology and congenital heart diseases, Neonatal, Hepatology, Nutritional, General Paediatrics & preventive medicine clinics. That was rotational of 2 months each clinic, where I used to see the referred patient to these speciality clinics. To do full examination and appropriate investigations as required for assessment and diagnosis followed by initiation of the treatment or follow up the chronic cases of such speciality clinics. In addition to admitting to the inpatient ward the acute cases or the one needed admission for further investigations or controlling their symptoms as required. Interdisciplinary communication was integral part of my work, to facilitate decision making in difficult cases.
Moreover, delivers both undergraduate and postgraduate education activities in the field of public health and child health. I took an active part in the community- based research and training activities undertaken by our centre by recruiting patients for different research projects running at these clinics. Furthermore, interacting with kids, and their families to educate them regarding the clinical condition of their child, and answer any queries arise. in addition to make the
treatment and follow up plan along with attending consultants

Paediatrics & Neonatal Resident à Cairo University (Abu ElReesh) Children's Hospital, Cairo, Egypt.
  • Egypte - Le Caire
  • septembre 2001 à décembre 2004

- Performing the daily inpatient admission round, preparing for
the weekly scientific presentation, outpatient clinic, emergency casualty shifts in addition to the overnight duties. Furthermore, I took part in the student and

junior resident education by preparing the regular scientific meetings, journal
club, and the clinical cases for discussion, supervised by the consultant and the professors at our unit. integral part of the residency program in the Cairo University children hospital was performing and mastering the different procedures including Endotracheal Intubation, Mechanical Ventilation, Neonatal Resuscitation, Chest Tube Insertion, Central Line Insertion, Ultrasound Guided Central Line Insertion, Lumbar Puncture, Intraosseous Line Insertion and Blood Exchange.
The rotations as paediatric resident in Cairo University Paediatric Hospital includes: Paediatrics general ward, NICU, PICU, Endocrine, postoperative cardiothoracic PICU, Nephrology, Genetics & metabolic, Haematology and Gastroenterology. During this period of my residency, I did apply for the master’s degree of Paediatrics, and passed the theoretical & clinical parts, in addition to performing an original clinical research work related to the cranial ultrasound in dysmorphic infants which has been accepted as my MSc thesis before end of my

General Practitioner à Air Force medical department of military hospitals, Cairo, Egypt.
  • Egypte - Le Caire
  • juillet 2000 à septembre 2001

I delivered medical care for the Air Force officers, staff & soldiers. including Aviation Medicine at the Central hospital of Aviation Medicine. I used to do the general check, prescribe the medication, perform the initial stabilisation, the minor procedures and provide the appropriate treatment including counselling and basic life support with elements of occupational medicine. Moreover, to communicate with the different regional hospitals for
transferring the complicated cases

House Officer à Cairo University Hospitals, Cairo, Egypt.
  • Egypte - Le Caire
  • mars 1999 à février 2000

- I was involved in a rotational scheme for the House Officer which included spending 12-month rotation; 2 months in each of Internal Medicine, General Surgery, Paediatrics, Obstetrics & Gynaecology and elective
round of urology. In addition to one month in Anaesthesia and one month in

Accident & Emergency Surgery and orthopaedics. I was working closely with other team members including the junior doctors, registrars and Consultants within each of these rotations. My primary responsibility was examining the patients, identifying signs and symptoms, and gathering the medical, social & family histories. Documentation, and doing the admission necessary blood work, and the initial procedure. in addition to recording this information and filing it in accordance with the hospital records management policies. Ensure adequate communication and continuity of patient care during the handover. Play a part in the administration of health education as per the department educational schedules.


Diplôme supérieur, Medical Sciences And Health Systems Management
  • à Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH) in the UK.
  • octobre 2023
Diplôme supérieur, Medicine
  • à University of Alberta, Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, Edmonton, AB
  • décembre 2016

Clinical / Research Neonatal Perinatal Fellowship, University of Alberta, Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, Edmonton, AB, accredited by the RCPSC Canada.

Doctorat, Child Care And Development
  • à Ain Shams University
  • juin 2012
Master, Medicine
  • à Faculty of Medicine Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt.
  • novembre 2003

Specialties & Skills

Medical Imaging
Teaching Skills
Neonatal/ Perinatal brain injury
Umbilical cord and cord clamping
Neonatal Point of Care Ultrasound (N-POCUS)
Neuroprotective measures
Quality Improvements
Resident and medical student teaching


Langue Maternelle


  • Fellow of Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (FRCPCH) of the United Kingdom.
  • October 2023
General Medical Council (GMC) of the United Kingdom
  • Full Unrestricted license with Specialist registration and a license to practice
  • September 2023
  • Member of Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (MRCPCH) of the United Kingdom.
  • January 2021
General Medical Council (GMC) of the United Kingdom
  • Full Unrestricted registration with a license to practice from the General Medical Council
  • February 2018
Egyptian Ministry of Health Medical Association.
  • Member of Egyptian Ministry of Health Medical Association.
  • March 2000

Formation et Diplômes

Master degree (MSc) in Paediatrics, Faculty of Medicine Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt. (Certificat)
Date de la formation:
November 2003
PhD in Paediatrics / Childhood studies, Faculty of Medicine, The Institute of Postgraduate Childhood (Certificat)
Date de la formation:
June 2012
MRCPCH, Letter of equivalence from Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health in the UK. (Certificat)
Date de la formation:
April 2010
Clinical / Research Neonatal Perinatal Fellowship, University of Alberta. (Certificat)
Date de la formation:
December 2016
Certificate of Eligibility for Specialist Registration (CESR) in Neonatal Medicine (Pediatrics), (Certificat)
Date de la formation:
September 2023
Fellow of Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (FRCPCH) (Certificat)
Date de la formation:
October 2023