olaya zrigui, Nurse

olaya zrigui


Chu hassan II

Morocco - Fes
Diploma, Medical and healthcare
2 years, 6 Months

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Total years of experience :2 years, 6 Months

Nurse at Chu hassan II
  • Morocco
  • My current job since January 2022

As an emergency nurse, I excel in delivering rapid, high-quality care to patients in critical situations. I am responsible for performing swift assessments, prioritizing treatment based on urgency, and administering lifesaving procedures such as resuscitation, wound care, and medication administration. Collaborating closely with doctors and other healthcare professionals, I develop and implement comprehensive care plans while ensuring clear and compassionate communication with patients and their families. My meticulous attention to detail ensures accurate documentation and reporting, contributing to effective patient care and positive outcomes.


Diploma, Medical and healthcare
  • at Ispits
  • October 2021