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اضغط على زر البحث، قم باختيار صورة معينة، ثم اضغط على حفظ الصورة
المبادئ التوجيهية
  1. قم بتحميل صورة لنفسك فقط.
  2. سيتم رفض صور الأطفال أو المشاهير أو الحيوانات أو صور الشخصيات الكرتونية.
  3. سيتم رفض الصور التي تحتوي على عري أو الصور العنيفة وقد تؤدي تلك الصور إلى إلغاء حسابك الخاص.
  4. سيتم رفض صورة جواز السفر أو صورة عن بطاقة الهوية أو تلك التي تحتوي على أي معلومات شخصية مثل عنوانك ورقم جواز السفر، أو أرقام الاتصال الخاصة بك وذلك من أجل أمنك الشخصي.

حذف المبادئ التوجيهية

سمر حداد

Executive Administrative Assistant

Ezdan Holding Group

لبنان - بيروت
بكالوريوس, Accounting And Business Sciences
16 سنة, 8 أشهر

الخبرة العملية

ما هي خبرتك المهنية؟ في الواقع، إن الخبرة المهنية هي من أهم أقسام سيرتك الذاتية.
يمكنك ذكر كافة مهاراتك والمسؤوليات، والمشاريع والإنجازات التي قمت بها في كل دور وظيفي. إن كنت قد تخرجت مؤخراً، يمكنك إضافة الأعمال التطوعية أو فترات التدريب التي قمت بها.
إضافة الخبرة

مجموع سنوات الخبرة:  16 سنوات, 8 أشهر   

يونيو 2016 إلى حتى الآن

Executive Administrative Assistant

في Ezdan Holding Group
البلد : قطر - الدوحة
• Manage COO’s scheduling, communication and travel coordination
• Draft original and routine correspondence for COO’s signature
• Manage deliverables to the COO and provide any necessary reporting
• Create and edit presentations, documents and reports for the COO as required
• Lead or participate on project teams related to a range of operational matters
• Plan, prepare materials for, and help lead bi-weekly Administrative Management Team meetings
• Manage Administrative Management Team calendar, plans, and action items
• Provide assistance to the COO and Deputy COO/General Counsel for meeting preparation and events
• Support the COO’s participation in staff meetings, departmental meetings, Senior Management Team (SMT) meetings, and Board of Directors meetings; take notes and follow up action items related to such meetings
• Assist in the administration of the Legal Department, including scheduling meetings, arranging travel, copying, filing legal documents, and maintaining the Legal Department website
• Develop and maintain appropriate document filing systems, and ensure compliance with records retention procedures
• Manage corporate registration documents, lobbying registration forms, and contracts database
• Develop relationships with key operational contacts, both internal and external
• Ensure confidentiality at all times (this position will have access to highly confidential information)
Pitch in with office management responsibilities as a true team member
يونيو 2013 إلى أبريل 2016

Administration - Accountant

في Russell Bedford International
البلد : قطر - الدوحة
Identifies trendsetter ideas by researching industry and related events, publications, and announcements; tracking individual contributors and their accomplishments.
Locates or proposes potential business deals by contacting potential partners; discovering and exploring opportunities.
Screens potential business deals by analyzing market strategies, deal requirements, potential, and financials; evaluating options; resolving internal priorities; recommending equity investments.
Develops negotiating strategies and positions by studying integration of new venture with company strategies and operations; examining risks and potentials; estimating partners' needs and goals.
Closes new business deals by coordinating requirements; developing and negotiating contracts; integrating contract requirements with business operations.
Protects organization's value by keeping information confidential.
Updates job knowledge by participating in educational opportunities; reading professional publications; maintaining personal networks; participating in professional organizations.
Enhances organization reputation by accepting ownership for accomplishing new and different requests; exploring opportunities to add value to job accomplishments
أبريل 2007 إلى أبريل 2013


في Aspire Zone Foundation ( ASPETAR )
البلد : قطر - الدوحة


• Analyze information from interviews, educational and medical records, consultation with other professionals, and diagnostic evaluations, in order to assess clients' abilities,
• Arrange for physical, mental, academic, vocational, and other evaluations to obtain information for assessing clients' needs and developing rehabilitation plans.


ما هي خلفيتك التعليمية؟
اسمح لأصحاب العمل بالإطلاع على المزيد حول خلفيتك التعليمية. كن واضحاً ومختصراً.
يناير 2004

بكالوريوس, Bachelor Degree- Accounting, Marketing

في Maria-Aziz Institute - Lebanon
البلد : لبنان - بيروت
المعدل: 4 من 4
Accounting Department and Financial Statements
All businesses must keep some form of accounting system to monitor the financial results of a business. The financial statements help management gauge the profitability of a business within a given period. The accounting department is responsible for the preparation and analysis of the financial statements. They can monitor sales trends and expense trends in the business that can provide management with the information it needs to make plans for expansion or cost reductions. Some of the most important expenditures a business can make are in the areas of marketing and advertising. A business must be able to market its goods and services, however they must also be able to manage the cost of the marketing and advertising efforts.

Marketing Reports
The marketing department of a company sets up programs to increase sales via advertising and sales promotions. These can include direct advertising programs such as radio and television campaigns to indirect programs that include involvement in community and public organizations. The marketing department prepares a variety of reports designed to assist management in processes of determining sales strategies that work. Reports might include gross sales per campaign or even customer hits on a website advertisement. Marketing is always looking for the best way to promote a business within the confines of the company budget.

Ratio Analysis
Management is always looking at the relationship between sales and costs. These are called ratios. For example, a typical ratio is the gross-expense ratio. This measures the gross expenses of a company with the gross sales. For example, if the gross monthly expenses in a period are $100, 000 and the gross income is $200, 000, the gross expense ratio is 50 percent ($100, 000 divided by $200, 000.) The gross expense ratio can be further broken down into expenses related to important departments in the company, such as marketing. Accounting and marketing should work closely to monitor the ratios of advertising and marketing expenses to gross sales. For example, if marketing expenses are increased in a period, but sales remain constant, management may decide that the marketing expenses were inefficient. This is called ratio analysis.

Marketing and accounting must work closely so that management can see where the marketing campaigns are successful. Another reason marketing and accounting work closely together is to prepare budgets for future expenditures in the fields of marketing and advertising. By looking at past financial results, management can budget future expenditures for the marketing campaigns. It’s then the accounting department’s role to measure the marketing departments adherence to budget limits and also the efficiency of the budgets that have been utilized.
يونيو 2004

بكالوريوس, Accounting And Business Sciences

في maria Aziz
البلد : لبنان - بيروت

Specialties & Skills

Academic Administration

Microsoft Office,Data Entry, Business dealer,Presentations,

Company Administration

General Business Administration


كم من لغّة في رصيدك؟
إن تكلم لغات متعددة من الأمور الأساسية في بعض الوظائف لذا عليك إضافة المهارات اللغوية من أجل تحقيق نتائج أفضل.




هل أنت من أعضاء أي جمعية أو نادي مهني؟
عليك إضافة العضويات المهنية إذ أنها تظهر تطلعاتك المهنية.
المؤسسة : Aspire Zone Foundation
العضوية/الدور : Sports Academic
عضو منذ : April 2007

التدريب والشهادات

Banking Courses ( الشهادة )

صدرت في: November 2008 صالحة لغاية: - December 2009

الهوايات والاهتمامات

شارك هواياتك واهتماماتك كي يتمكن اصحاب العمل من التعرف عليك اكثر
أفضل طريقة أمام أصحاب العمل لمعرفة المزيد عنك هي بالإطلاع على هوايتك واهتماماتك.

Basket Ball ,Reading , Traveling ,
