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Shadi Haddad

Senior Consultant


Jordanie - Amman
Baccalauréat, Industrial Engineering
13 années, 8 mois

Expériences professionnelles

Quelle est votre expérience professionnelle? Celle-ci est l’une des sections les plus importantes de votre CV.
Indiquez vos fonctions, compétences, projets et réalisations dans chaque rôle professionnel. Si vous êtes un nouveau diplômé, vous pouvez ajouter vos activités de bénévolat ou les stages que vous avez faits.
Ajouter Expérience

Total des années d'expérience:  13 Années, 8 Mois   

juillet 2010 A À présent

Senior Consultant

à Deloitte
Lieu : Jordanie - Amman
Jan 2013 - Present Ingeus Company limited
• Handle several HR related activities including, Development of HR policies and procedures manual, employee handbook and HR templates.
• Establish finance function for Ingeus and develop Policies and procedures manual.
July 2012 - Dec 2012 Ministry of labour
• Assess and document the as is operations for the Minister’s office and develop Current operating Model.
• Develop frameworks for different sections within the office.
• Monitor and coordinate with the office and vendors to complete the quick fixes.
May 2012 - July 2012 Jordan Kuwait Bank - Jordan
Business Analyst
• Handle several PMO activities such as development of, templates, PMO handbook.
• Ensure templates are filled correctly and according to schedules.
• Establish an e-room for the project and the needed folders and files.
• Train all users on e-room and assist in document uploading.
• Train super users of industry print.
April 2012 - May 2012 Confidential Company - KSA
• Developing finance, procurement and inventory management policies and procedures manual.
• Designing the organizational structure for the office and palaces.
• Developing authority matrix
December 2011 - Feb. 2012 Ayla Oasis - Jordan
• Conducting market research to deliver a Market Study report for Ayla Oasis in order to come-up with the best-fit number of residential, commercial, retail, and hotels based on the local and international market demand and supply. In addition, analysing all the inputs to provide the market segmentation of the Ayla Oasis and the target market of the project.
March 2011- December 2011
Feb 2012 - April 2012 Ministry of Health - KSA
• Assessing and Documenting the As-Is Business Processes Using Industry Print for General Services, Safety and Security and Communications Management Departments.
• Developing Gap Analysis Report for General Services, Safety and Security and Communications Management Departments..
• Design of Target Operating Model for new departments within the Ministry which are Assets Management and Property Management Departments. Furthermore, developing TOM for Inventory Control, Warehouse Management, General Services, Safety and Security and Communications Management Departments.
• Assisting in developing strategic objectives and Key Performance Indicators for the Finance And Admin Division.
• Designing and documenting the To-Be Business Processes using Industry Print for Assets Management, Property Management, Inventory Control, Warehouse Management, General Services, Safety and Security and Communications Management Departments.
Oct. 2010- Feb. 2011 General Organization for Social insurance (Hassana) - KSA
• Studying and analysing Hassana’s different types of investments.
• Developing Investment Management policies and procedures manual.
• Developing the new organizational structure and OD manual including Job Description cards, Functional Statements…etc.
• Developing Authority Matrix.
September - October 2010 Kingdom Real Estate Development Company - KSA
• Developing the Finance department policies and procedures manual for the company.
• Designing the finance function structure and functional statements.
• Developing Authority Matrix.
July 2010- Aug. 2010 Jordan Petroleum Refinery Company - Jordan
• Developing the new organizational structure and OD manual including Job Description cards, Functional Statements…etc. for the Refinery and 3 subsidiaries


Quel est votre niveau de formation?
Permettez aux employeurs de savoir plus concernant votre éducation. Soyez clair et concis.
mai 2010

Baccalauréat, Industrial Engineering

à hashemite University
Lieu : Jordanie - Zarqa
Moyenne générale: 3.08 sur 4

Specialties & Skills

Market Research

Organization restructuring

Business Process Reengineering

Financial Policies and Procedures

Investment Policies and Procedures

Procedures Manuals

Operations Optimization

Business Process Design

Job Descriptions

HR Consulting


Parlez-vous plus d\'une langue?
Dans certaines professions, la maîtrise d'une ou de plusieurs langues étrangères est un plus ; il faut donc ajouter vos compétences linguistiques pour obtenir de meilleurs résultats.







Formations et Certificats

Strategy and Operations Fundamentals ( Formation )

Deloitte Amsterdam
January 2012
