Zerihun Tefera Tefera, Project Associate – RRF (Grant)

Zerihun Tefera Tefera

Project Associate – RRF (Grant)


Ethiopie - Addis-Abeba
Baccalauréat, BA in Accounting
11 years, 7 Mois

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Expériences professionnelles

Total des années d'expérience :11 years, 7 Mois

Project Associate – RRF (Grant) à IOM
  • Bangladesh - Natore
  • Je travaille ici depuis août 2023

Major Duties, & Responsibility
• Follow up projects of RRF and IPs financial management, providing clear objectives, technical support, and capacity building/training. Provide technical supervision of field program and finance staff.
• Conduct partner (INGO and NNGO) pre-award assessments, due diligence as per RRF grant Management tools.
• Review partner's procurement, and subcontract files for compliance with USAID requirements including supplier/grantee identification, source justification, and price reasonableness.
• Support RRF local partners in submitting timely and accurate financial and administrative reports, and reviewing documentation prior to submission, and providing overall guidance.
• Conduct budget analysis for grants and monitor if utilization is in line with expenditure plans and discuss areas of concern with Section heads and assist in taking timely corrective measures and Monitor budget; verify availability of funds; obtain necessary approval and update budget related information.
• Retrieve, compile, summarize, and present information/data on specific project topics.
• Prepare agreements for Implementing partners (IPs) as per rules and regulation of IOM-RRF grant agreement templets.
• Prepare IPs payment requests for Cost-Reimbursement in accordance with the partner payment process. Conduct financial monitoring and verification process of partner as per monitoring plans and send feedback to the IPs and follow up on action points.
• Ensure IPs files/folders are maintained/updated with all relevant documentation in accordance with IOM-RRF and any donor regulations.
• Ensure effective budget management of IPs budgets and forecasts, including current grants and new proposals.
• Support the capacity development of partners by providing technical support on partner SOPs / internal controls and conduct training, and workshops related to USAID rules and regulation.
• Provides admin support to the team members including processing of raising PRs for vehicle rent; requisition of office supplies and inventory; and maintaining a filing system.
• Assists with coordination of procurement of goods and services for RRF IPs.

Sub-Award and Compliance Specialist à Mercy Corps
  • Ethiopie - Addis-Abeba
  • mai 2022 à août 2023

Major Duties, & Responsibility
• Conduct partner (INGO, NNGO & PROFIT ORGANIZATION) pre-award assessments, due
diligence, budgets (including the supporting document matrix - SDM) agreements and
modifications, financial reporting, payments, kick-off and close-out meetings, financial
monitoring, closeout, and audits.
• Prepare sub-grant agreements for FAS (fixed Amount Subaward) and Cost-Reimbursement
for NGOs and Profit organizations.
• Review sub-grant invoices and milestone reports and facilitate cash transfers by ensuring:
• Prepare Sub-grantee payment requests for FAS (fixed Amount Subaward) and CostReimbursement in accordance with the partner payment process.
• Conduct financial monitoring and verification process of sub-awards partner as per
monitoring plans and send feedback to the sub-grantees and follow up on action points.
• Ensure sub-award files/folders are maintained/updated with all relevant documentation in
accordance with MC and any donor regulations.
• Provide technical guidance to team members, program staff, etc. on SFMP, Regional
Minimum Standard Procedures, and donor regulation.
• Ensure effective budget management of sub-award budgets and forecasts, including current
grants and new proposals.
• Support the capacity development of partners by providing technical support on partner SOPs
/ internal controls and supporting related training, and workshops.
• Create a partner Sub-award card in Navigator and post the partner expenses in the system.

Grant and Compliance Advisor à Norwegian Church Aid
  • Ethiopie - Addis-Abeba
  • septembre 2019 à mai 2022

Major Duties, & Responsibility
• Follow up projects of NCA and subgrantees’ financial management, providing clear
objectives, technical support, and capacity building/training. Provide technical supervision of
field program and finance staff.
• Support program department staff following UN-funded projects and humanitarian teams in
monitoring sub-grantee partner donor compliance and progress against objectives,
developing monitoring tools as needed.
• Track and document assessments of the impact of capacity-building interventions, including
regular reports/updates on partner capacity-building activities.
• Review of actual vs. budget results to ensure maximum utilization of budgeted amounts and
to provide recommendations for realignments as required.
• Active participation in the preparation of the project budget preparation to show funding
requirements and ensure it is communicated regularly.
• Assist on post-award monitoring and filed visits to ensure that NCA and donor requirements
are being followed by the sub-grantees.
• Work with the program department and PMER to establish linkages with other organizations
that have capacity-building programs, aiming to share the experience.
• Working with budget holders to review monthly internal reports, compile and submit partner
reports into overall donor reports, and program as needed/requested.
• Maintain comprehensive files for the grants including partner files and relevant copies filed in
the respective sub-agreement electronic files and label them correctly.

Finance Officer à Islamic Relief Worldwide In Ethiopia
  • Ethiopie - Addis-Abeba
  • décembre 2012 à septembre 2019

Major Duties &Responsibility
• Follow up projects of Organization and subgrantees financial management under
organizational & donor regulations, Providing clear objectives, and technical support and
capacity building / training.
• Collaborate with Budget holders and finance department head to organize capacity and risk
assessments for partners & Assist the sub-award proposal review process with the finance
and program teams.
• Accomplish all Pre-Award Assessments - including the defining of capacity building issues -
for prospective partners and feedback to country office staffs, in a timely and comprehensive
• Support program department staffs following projects and donors’ team in monitoring subgrantee partner donor compliance and progress against objectives, developing monitoring
• Prepare Monthly Fund Reports and send to Regional Office (Kenya). Prepare Interim & Final
Donor Repots and send to Specific donors.
• Ensure/participate in the daily Recording/posting all vouchers, Conduct quarterly budget
variance analysis, and Prepare quarterly financial budget performance evaluation report.
• Assist external/Internal auditors to facilitate their work on auditing, take the necessary audit
recommendation/adjustments to be incorporated in the following accounting period.
• Collect budget information from different units of the Organization, Review and correct the
draft budget, Prepare and compile draft budget for Country Office (Core Admin), Collect draft
budgets of the projects, Advice Program Dep’t in preparing the Budget, Review the draft
project budgets, Communicate findings and agree on final version.
• Follow up timely submission of financial documents from field/partners, give professional
assistance to field staff, review & examine take corrective action.
• Provide technical assistance to the field offices, Review financial reports and documents
from the field offices and insure that they are timely received and enter data, Ensure proper
supporting document of payments and prompt filing of documents related to payments.
• Follow up budget amendments with the donors; Monitor each and every income and expense
of the organization


Baccalauréat, BA in Accounting
  • à Bahir Dar university
  • janvier 2010

Specialties & Skills

Financial Law


Langue Maternelle

Formation et Diplômes

Quick Book Software (Formation)
Institut de formation:
On Job Training - Islamic Relief Worldwide
AX Dynamic ERP Sysytem (Formation)
Institut de formation:
On Job Training - Islamic Relief orldwide
Peachtree Accounting (Certificat)
Date de la formation:
August 2004