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اضغط على زر البحث، قم باختيار صورة معينة، ثم اضغط على حفظ الصورة
المبادئ التوجيهية
  1. قم بتحميل صورة لنفسك فقط.
  2. سيتم رفض صور الأطفال أو المشاهير أو الحيوانات أو صور الشخصيات الكرتونية.
  3. سيتم رفض الصور التي تحتوي على عري أو الصور العنيفة وقد تؤدي تلك الصور إلى إلغاء حسابك الخاص.
  4. سيتم رفض صورة جواز السفر أو صورة عن بطاقة الهوية أو تلك التي تحتوي على أي معلومات شخصية مثل عنوانك ورقم جواز السفر، أو أرقام الاتصال الخاصة بك وذلك من أجل أمنك الشخصي.

حذف المبادئ التوجيهية

ليلى سكري

Consultant/Training Coordinator

الولايات المتحدة
بكالوريوس, English Literature
22 سنة, 2 شهرين

الخبرة العملية

ما هي خبرتك المهنية؟ في الواقع، إن الخبرة المهنية هي من أهم أقسام سيرتك الذاتية.
يمكنك ذكر كافة مهاراتك والمسؤوليات، والمشاريع والإنجازات التي قمت بها في كل دور وظيفي. إن كنت قد تخرجت مؤخراً، يمكنك إضافة الأعمال التطوعية أو فترات التدريب التي قمت بها.
إضافة الخبرة

مجموع سنوات الخبرة:  22 سنوات, 2 أشهر   

يناير 2013 إلى نوفمبر 2013

Consultant/Training Coordinator

البلد : الأردن - عمان
January-November 2013: Consultant for Wheat Productivity Improvement Training Years 2, IRAQ (JICA)

As a consultant, I was responsible for preparing all the necessary logistic arrangements of training activities pre-, post and during training courses that are funded by JICA and other donors, including travel of scientists, accommodation, visas, per diem, payments, follow up on trainees’ performance during and at the end of the course; conduct training course and trainer’s evaluations; arrange field trips (regional and international) for training participants, students and employees and follow-up on the financial issue of trainees participating in regional and international conferences.

Also, I worked for the Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development (AFESD) scholarship of 2012-2013 and 2013-2014 (M.Sc. and Ph.D.) degrees. I was responsible for all the logistic arrangements of the students and preparing acceptance letters for the new applicants in coordination with the head of CDU.

I played an outstanding role as senior administrator for the CDU, I was responsible for all the office affairs, including airlines tickets and visas issuing, hotel reservation, transport arrangements, procurement, furnishing the office, providing office supplies and training material for trainees and students.
مارس 2007 إلى ديسمبر 2009

Director of Relations, Minister's office

في Ministry of Planning
البلد : العراق - اربيل
March 2007 - December 31, 2009: Director of Relations for the Minister of Planning Office, Kurdistan Regional Government, Erbil-Iraq. My responsibilities were:

•In-charge of the administrative affairs of the minister's office;
•Committee Member of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Collaborative Program in Research and Capacity Building between the Kurdistan Regional Government of Iraq and the International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA);
•Assisting the Senior Advisor of the Minister in the strategic planning program and training programs of the civil servants on capacity building and management;
•Conducting training courses on administration and secretarial affairs to the secretaries of the KRG ministers;
•In-charge of the Ministry of Planning website, editing Arabic language articles and translating from Arabic to English and from English to Arabic;
•Preparing periodic reports on timely bases;
•Maintain proper records and documents, according to the minister supervision;
•Translating the communication (English to Arabic and Arabic to English) for the Minister’s visitors and delegations;
•Preparing the minister presentations;
سبتمبر 1987 إلى يوليو 2005

Senior Secretary-Office Manager-Administrator

في icarda
البلد : سوريا - حلب
•Organizing all logistic arrangements for workshops, meetings, seminars and lectures; Manage the schedule of activities for the Head of (HRD);
•Maintain coded systems for HRD and all documents and records of the training participants;
•Budgetary accounting for office supplies, training participants' housing, transportation and other training materials;
•Translate the communication (Arabic to English and English to Arabic);
•Supervise all junior secretaries, technicians permanently or temporarily assigned to the HRD, around 20 staff members;
•Typing correspondence related to training activities and courses;
•Typing reports, lectures and manuals;
•Preparing invitation letters, brochures, handouts for the training participants who were participating in headquarter, in-country, regional and international training courses;
•Preparing contracts for ICARDA visitors and Graduate Research Training Program (M.Sc. and Ph.D.) degrees program;
•Organizing cultural and recreational trips for the trainees
•Communicating with the ICARDA outreach offices to solicit information, arrange appointments and provide information on the training activities of the Center.
•Coordinating with the National Agricultural Research Centers (NARC)of the Arabian Peninsula Countries for nominating participants in the training courses;
•Preparing and typing all the related correspondences including, invitation letters, preparing for issuing air tickets, entry visas, hotel and/or guest house reservation, .etc;
•Preparing certificates for training participants and other training materials;
•Organizing opening and closing ceremonies for training courses that conducted in the center;
•Oversaw all the junior staff members in the Training Coordination Unit (TCU)
Preparing brochures, certificates, handouts and slides for the training participants


ما هي خلفيتك التعليمية؟
اسمح لأصحاب العمل بالإطلاع على المزيد حول خلفيتك التعليمية. كن واضحاً ومختصراً.
فبراير 1988

بكالوريوس, English Literature

في Faculty of Art, Aleppo University
البلد : سوريا - حلب

Specialties & Skills

Training Coordination


Office Work

Microsoft Software


Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)


Office Manager,


كم من لغّة في رصيدك؟
إن تكلم لغات متعددة من الأمور الأساسية في بعض الوظائف لذا عليك إضافة المهارات اللغوية من أجل تحقيق نتائج أفضل.







الهوايات والاهتمامات

شارك هواياتك واهتماماتك كي يتمكن اصحاب العمل من التعرف عليك اكثر
أفضل طريقة أمام أصحاب العمل لمعرفة المزيد عنك هي بالإطلاع على هوايتك واهتماماتك.

reading, traveling, work-out, internet search, trip organizer, exhibition organizer

During my work in ICARDA, I was member in the regional trip committee and I organized a regional trips for ICARDA Staff member and for the scholarship students. In addition I was an active member in the Sport and Social Club of ICARDA. I was responsible for organizing exhibitions, cultural nights, graduation parties for ICARDA staff members and their families.
