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Mohamed Zaghloul

electrical engineer


Arabie Saoudite - Riyad
Baccalauréat, Electrical Power and Machines Engineering
12 années, 5 mois

Expériences professionnelles

Quelle est votre expérience professionnelle? Celle-ci est l’une des sections les plus importantes de votre CV.
Indiquez vos fonctions, compétences, projets et réalisations dans chaque rôle professionnel. Si vous êtes un nouveau diplômé, vous pouvez ajouter vos activités de bénévolat ou les stages que vous avez faits.
Ajouter Expérience

Total des années d'expérience:  12 Années, 5 Mois   

décembre 2017 A À présent

electrical engineer

Lieu : Arabie Saoudite - Jizan
QA/QC Electrical Inspector, ARAMCO Approved, ISO9001:2015 Certified


Quel est votre niveau de formation?
Permettez aux employeurs de savoir plus concernant votre éducation. Soyez clair et concis.
juillet 2011

Baccalauréat, Electrical Power and Machines Engineering

à Faculty of Engineering, Al-AZHAR University
Lieu : Émirats Arabes Unis
Graduation Project: distribution system load estimation and installation.
Grade of project: Excellent.

Specialties & Skills

Electrical Design

Electrical Installation

High Voltage

Low Voltage








Pourquoi recevoir une recommandation ?
Recevez des recommandations de la part de vos collègues et faites de votre profil un profil distingué ! Les Recommandations prouvent aux employeurs que vous êtes distingués dans votre domaine professionnel.

As Board Member, Offshore Procurement Manager/Middle East Regional Director dans Tatweer Petroleum Oil & natural gas company in Bahrain.Kingdom of Bahrain.

By (SUBORDINATE) de 27-10-2019
"How are you, your family and professional life? Nice to be connected to your network as friends. I deem it fit to contact you after going through your profile here on Bayt, regards to an important consultation. Actually, my company is into oil & gas (Petroleum Exploration/Drilling) and am contacting you in regards to "supply contract", a contract project of my company in Central Asia, Turkmenistan to be precise, which requires serious minded business individuals/company. My company, Tatweer Petroleum Oil & natural gas company in Bahrain, is presently seeking for the services of a reliable person/organization to contract as International Representative/Supply Agent, to handle the supply of the chemical (GLODrill) required for the project. Please note that this contract might not distract you from your present work or employment (depending on your agreement with the supplier or manufacturing company) also you will have subordinates. I want to recommend you to my company for this position, let me know if you can handle a product supply contract, if you are interested I will link you to the Contract Department with a recommendation, for direct communication and to give you more details of the contract supply project and your expected role as an International Agent. Regards, Faishal Bin Darwis."
